Monday, February 13, 2012

The good and the bad

I've changed my mind on this post so many times today! My day started out with laundry and after the weekend clean up and an unfinished discussion with my man. I felt confused and down and desperate for light and understanding. Tears and honesty on paper helped and then words straight from God to my heart on Ann Voskamp's blog were a special, helpful touch. I never cease to be amazed how God brings words from all manner of sources to meet needs in my heart! The day ended with loading up kids after school, taking them into Chris job, and all of us sledding on this gi-normous hill with a likewise huge innertube and some way too small pieces of laminate! Craziness and hilarity and coldness and fun :) Did I mention there was barely enough snow to cover the ground and this hill was in town? God is so faithful and creative in His ways of blessing and healing! May today be one more reminder to me of His Love For Me in the little things!

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