Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sugary Biscuits

A yummy little treat to share with you today, something my children call "sugary biscuits". My mom used to make them when I was a child, not sure if she made them up or got the recipe somewhere but we had them often with a hot drink for a light, Sunday morning breakfast. They've become a favorite around here too!

You'll need a 10ct tube (or 2 or 3) of store bought biscuits, some butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, and as many round pans as you have tubes of biscuits. Preheat your oven to 400 and place about 1 1/2 T of butter in each of your round pans (this recipe has no measurements, so do as you please). Place your pans in the oven and gather the rest of your ingredients and open your tubes of biscuits. When the butter in the pans is melted, remove them from the oven. Tip pans to spread butter evenly, then sprinkle brown sugar over the bottom of the pans (maybe close to 1/3 cup?) I like to use a fork to spread the brown sugar evenly. Next sprinkle cinnamon over the brown sugar, then place one tube of biscuits in each pan.

Bake at 400 for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and flip immediately onto plates. Scrape pans and place excess sugary mixture on biscuits.

Announce how many biscuits each child is allowed to have before an argument ensues over dividing them out e.q.u.a.l.l.y.

If you really want to bring back Sunday morning childhood memories, have a cup of this along side your sugary biscuit.... if you get any, that is.....

PS. Just a little FYI: these books are still available. If you are interested in buying one, send $7 (includes shipping) to Bethany Eicher, 70174 Pennyroyal Rd, Freeport, OH 43973 and I will send a copy your way! If you are local to either me or my family in AR, you can get the book directly for $5. Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Or...make a pan of these in the evening for you n your honeybear, after the children are in bed!!!:) Aren't these also called 'Quick n easy cinnamon rolls '?(something like that...?) Yum, I could eat some right now!

  2. Could you get one to Elsie for me this week? We'll see each other at the nephew's wedding next weekend. Or should I message her directly? Jo

    1. I will see that she gets one, Jo. No problem at all!

  3. Some truly interesting details you have written.Assisted me a lot,
    just what I was looking for :D.


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