Sunday, January 31, 2016

31 Days: What More Shall I Say?

Well, here we are at January 31st. How do I wind this thing down to a close? As usual, at the end of a month on the same subject, I am pretty much completely over this discussion now! This year's schedule of posting every other day wasn't nearly as stressful. I had been jotting down ideas for months, and was able to have most of my posts written out ahead, then edit and adjust as the day came along. I didn't get into the subject nearly as deep or personal with only half as many posts but that was easier on my emotions and maybe yours, as well. :)

I'll stick a word in here for you fellow bloggers - if you've considered doing some sort of series, take up the challenge! I promise you it will be a learning, growing, stretching experience and I don't think you'll be sorry. I recommend it, in other words.

I told several people throughout this month that I don't want to be just writing words, I want this 31 days to change me. A lot of the time I've felt like a hypocrite, writing things I know to be true in my head but have barely experienced in my heart. I've clung to the hope that because one has to start somewhere, hopefully writing it all out is at least a beginning.

It should probably be no surprise to me that the most stressful post of the month brought the biggest eye opener to my heart. My confession, two posts back, to my 20 year old feelings of choosing a lesser path by choosing marriage was not a light one. That simple admittance was a big one for me and I cried as I asked the Lord to forgive me for all the ways my refusal to accept and delight in the beauty of His plan has affected my role as wife and mother.

I guess if there is one thing I want to take away from this study, it would be this: I want to learn to accept my assignment of 'cleaning the ball closet' as the top priority on my list. With that acceptance I hope to find delight in keeping that 'ball closet' in tip top shape!  I want to allow the gifts God has given me to shine through in the accomplishment of my top assignment, regardless of whether that makes my 'ball closet' look like the lady next door or not. Should the Lord bring along opportunities to use 'my many other gifts', I want to be ready and willing. But if 'cleaning the ball closet' remains my only assignment in this life, may He say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant," upon reaching the other side.

That's a pretty tall goal, and well I know it, but that is the seed that this 31 Days has sown.

Thank you to all of you for reading along this month. I've enjoyed your comments and input so much...yes, every last bit of it. :) You bless my life!

"Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wasn't keeping track of time and was surprised and sorry that this series has come to an end. Perhaps there will be some "sequel" posts?? I hope so. LRM