Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Faithfulness, Acceptance, and Peace

I took a drive yesterday, all by myself. I opened my heart and vented all my feelings and tears to God in the silence. I pulled all the ugliness out of the depths and shared it with Him, out loud and with much feeling. Know what? He listened! Isn't God amazing? He brought to mind something I'd read recently and I pulled over to look it up. I don't have room here to share it but the gist is that God wants me to want Him and only Him not all the things I've been wanting, begging for and hanging onto. It became crystal clear to me that all these "bad" things I've been fighting against ARE Him and if I want Him, then I have to want these things! I can't explain to you the feeling of saying, "I want You and only You and because these things ARE You, I accept them", and naming each one! I know I'll struggle again but you know what else I know? I know God will be faithful to meet me again in that moment with exactly what I need so I don't need to worry about that! For now I'm thankful for Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Bethany, God BLESS you! These things are so hard but God really is all we need. Thanks for the reminder and God is with you as you live this out.


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