Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bible Reading Extravaganza

It all started at the tire shop: Sell enough tires of a certain model and win an all expenses paid day at an amusement park! Chris, being the creative father that he is, gave Isaac and Jasmine the challenge of reading the Bible in a month. If they did, they could go along. Since I wasn't interested in the prize (and, frankly, didn't think I could do it) I looked on w/ interest and a bit of skepticism. Then Chris offered me a prize: My WISH for this summer. And I decided to reconsider! It feels a little lame to admit that's why I took up the challenge, but there it is. Since I'll never get Chris to go camping, I'd been wishing we could get a cabin this summer, close to water, for a couple nights - just us! And that's my prize...and I can hardly wait!! He chose the cutest little cabin, nestled in the woods and it's ours for July 17 - 18! Oh, and Saturday Chris, Ryan, Isaac and Jasmine are off to King's Island, expenses paid. So that's the story of our month in: The June Bible Reading Extravaganza! :)


  1. I am super impressed,,,, and here I was feeling pleased to do it in a year. enjoy your cabin. sounds wonderful.
    Rachel helmuth

    1. Thanks Rachel! Honestly I'm impressed with anyone who reads it through in any amount of time! And doing it in a year would definitely be more beneficial as far as getting something out of it :) -Bethany


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