Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Day After


Well, it's the day after....... all the bags are (mostly) unpacked, the washer is busily doing it's job, the house is strewn with treasures acquired and tired people. The visitors are all gone, the tearful goodbyes said and the hugs given.

Your prayers sustained us - Thank You from the bottom of my heart!!

We laughed and cried, played and relaxed, cooked and ate, shared "remember when's" and "I wonder what next's", read stories and acted out stories and created new stories, watched the next generation play and create and imagine...and settled a few squabbles. We shared our insides and our outsides, enjoyed the sunshine and the rain, the light and the darkness, and slept a little.

We didn't answer all the questions, or cry all the tears, or solve all the problems, but we loved. We planned and we worked and we journeyed. We stumbled and we wavered and not everything was perfect. But at the end of the day, we looked at all He had done, and it was Good.

*at Mom's funeral, my Aunt Mary showed us a sweet treasure she had found - Little Lavina Paper Dolls! My sisters got their heads together and bought one for each of the grandaughters. My oldest nieces carried on my mom's tradition, and made a Treasure Hunt for the youngest grandchildren while we were together, with paper dolls for the girls and balls for the boys as the treasure.

1 comment:

  1. I love happening on old fashioned paper dolls, and this name is so perfect! Bless your sisters for getting them! I thought of you often while you were together (and prayed often!) and am glad you left with so many good memories. May He give grace as you heal little by little.


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