Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 1: On Our Way!

We may not have a sturdy covered wagon and two trusty horses, like Laura and Mary did, as we set off to see the places they lived, but we've got Big Bertha! :) There's a family at our church who owns a big red van affectionately dubbed "Big Bertha". Her purpose in life is to provide transportation, comfort, and lots of space for traveling people. We are privileged to be putting her services to use on our Big Adventure! A huge Thank You to Jason and Anna!!

A big Thank You is also due to you people who sent up prayers for us yesterday! The 101 things on my list were accomplished with minimal stress and anxiety and Charles seems to be better this morning. I was reminded of our SS class discussion on "the just living by faith". How easy it is to give lip service to trusting the Father, but to rest whether His answer is the one you humanly think would be the best one or not? That's another matter!

So, the adventure has begun! Today's destination is supper and an overnight stay with my cousin, Myra, and her husband, Jon Schrock, and family. Myra and I spent hours with dolls and barbies and large imaginations back in the day! When my family would make our journeys to IN to visit family and friends, time spent with her was always at the top of my list! Time has a way of changing things, and I'm sad to say that I haven't even met Myra's husband nor can I remember the names of her little ones. I'm looking forward to a short and sweet catch up time!

On the agenda for tomorrow is an early departure for the Masters Hotel in Burr Oak, Iowa. After lunch by Silver Lake, we will go on to the Little House in the Big Woods, explore the site there, and end up in Grove City, MN for the night.

At the moment I think I'll enjoy the peace while my baby naps........

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I shouldn't ask questions till I am caught up...;) I look forward to taking this trip with you. :)


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