Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 4: On the Banks of Plum Creek

This morning found us leaving the lap of luxury - the lovely home of Verlynn and Laurel Yoder, where Rosalie Miller provided breakfast food and snacks and a yummy supper last night. We headed out around 8:45 for Walnut Grove, MN, a 2 hour trek. We kept ourselves occupied with some chapters read aloud, a package opened by Isaac at the halfway point containing Smarties, playing Virtual Hide and Seek and stopping briefly at a Park.

After arriving at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Walnut Grove, we wandered around looking at all the many interesting things. They had different buildings to check out - a typical "Settlers House", a dugout, a school house, a church, and a larger building with a store counter, post office and bank set up with some hands on things to do. In "Grandma's House" we looked at many items from that era, one fun one being a pump organ which Jasmine tried her hand at! :)

We left there for "Bubba's Grocery" and filled our cart with picnic items as we trailed around on the old, creaky, wooden floor. We carted our picnic items off to the Dugout Sight and ate close to the Banks of Plum Creek! Between swatting mosquitos and feeling a little warm and sticky, we enjoyed our lunch.

We enjoyed traipsing down the trail to check out the dent in the ground where the dugout once was - the roof caved in long since but you can still see the spot. We continue to be amazed at how very LITTLE Laura's houses really were!! After a wade in the creek and a "sail away" flip flop and one wet little girl, we took the trail on around the loop to see the "table land" Laura talked about. It's easy to see that the landmarks are still there!

From there it was back to the Museum where we browsed around, trying to find something little people could buy amongst $25 rag dolls and $85 dresses/bonnets !! Then it was time to take sleepy people off to our Motel 30 minutes away to nap/relax for several hours until supper time and time to head back to Walnut Grove for the Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant! And that brings you up to date for today......

Yours Truly

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying these updates! :) Beautiful playing, Jasmine.


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