Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Life is racing by. I've been meaning to post, been writing them in my head as I go about my days. I've been longing for the chance, in fact, to string some words together.......but I've been busy. Yes, now you know the truth. Usually I'm not really busy, thus the ability to post! :)

I seriously am not a very "busy" person. Not the kind of whom people might say "She's such a worker!" Every once in a while, when necessity demands it, I don my best <insert name of woman who always intimidates you with the amount of work she gets done here> hat, and I work. (What? You don't have a name in mind? Go read another blog!!)

Yes, life has been full to the brim. Two different days of all day long looking at corn, a spur of the moment trip with Grandpas for the 2 oldest and a day excursion with a train ride for those left behind. A meal to fix for a new mommy and daddy, school schedule to get started on, a day to be gone for a viewing and a weekend trip to get ready for. Throw in the regular laundry and cooking and dailyness and...I'm tired! Just plain old bone tired.

But I feel alive, and rather content and happy tonight and that's a pretty good feeling. There's six beautiful roses sitting on my window sil since last night and when asked the reason, he replied, "Because I like you!" Aw. So just because I like him, I added to my day in the kitchen by making the potatoes and ham and apple jello he's been coveting. I hope it felt as good as six roses.

Then, there were three bright eyed, eager faces this morning, and three happy, shining ones this afternoon. A Christian school is such a privilege, did you know that? I can't imagine needing to push my children out the door every morning because they dread what a day at school holds! This year I want to do better at not taking the privilege so glibly for granted.

Lastly, there's a little boy at my house. A sweet little boy that crawled up on my lap today and laid his head on my shoulder and said, "Mamma" in the most adoring way and then "I lunah"......AWWWWW. To top it off, tonight when I said "Shall we go night, night?" this child that I've struggled with at night since day one, the child that I've been trying to teach to lay down in his bed and go to sleep without rocking, trotted to the bedroom and stopped expectantly and. . . . .he went to sleep without a peep!!! (please read in hushed, reverent tones!) I'm not so naive as to think the night time frustrations are over, but that was HUGE!

And so, there's my ramblings for the day. And now, I am going to bed. This poor old body isn't used to such workouts and is aching for its bed! I'll don the hat in the morning and see what all I can accomplish in a new day.....

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