Saturday, January 3, 2015

31 Days: Why I'm Writing

A while back I saw a link to an article on facebook. The article was about a group of Mennonites in another country. I clicked the link and read with interest as the reporter described her visit with this Mennonite group. She described the church service she attended, the way the people dressed, what they did, how they acted. She described the fellowship meal following, and the afternoon of visiting and game playing. It was when she started relating her conversation with the Pastor and his wife that I began getting this sick feeling in my stomach.

I shook my head as the Pastor explained to the reporter the beliefs we Mennonites hold - nonresistance, simplicity, modesty, separation from worldly influence - and how we practice those beliefs in a practical way. He elaborated on how they strove for simplicity, how they limit their time and exposure to electronics, the internet, world news, sports, fashion and on and on. And all I could think was, "You poor, deceived reporter! You have no idea, none at all!"

I feel a little bad writing this now. Possibly I was judging the whole thing very unfairly. Possibly that group of Mennonites were as perfect as they sounded. Possibly their daily walk actually matched up as well with the beliefs they claimed to hold as that Pastor made it sound. I don't know a soul from that group of Mennonites, but somehow I rather doubt that had the reporter chosen to live with them for a year, she wouldn't have soon found some very confusing inconsistencies and disappointing delusions in the "perfect" world the Pastor painted for her!

It was after reading this article, and my reaction to it, that it seemed I heard "Write!" So, here I am.


  1. I am really looking forward to reading this series. Thanks for being brave and writing it. -Sharon

  2. I will read your post every day. Or maybe I'll have to catch up every day or two. I have wondered why we have emphasized our Anabaptist beliefs so much in the last ten? years. Can we just be Biblical???So I will be eager to read your thoughts. Jo

  3. So we HAVE to wait in suspense till Monday??
    This sounds like a good series to get us thinking...
    AND may our feedback as readers be thoughtful and as prayerful as your posts.

    1. I don't recall ever saying anything about waiting till Monday......... of course if you LIKE suspense we could do that..... :) :)

  4. I am part of that church, and no, life is not that perfect. The reporter would definitely find inconsistencies if she'd live with us! There are lots of things I could say about ideal vs real life, reporters hearing what they want to, etc etc. But I must say that I was rather sickened too when I read the article and wished it had not spread as far and fast as it did. I am looking forward to your series ... I've been grappling too with who I am in this culture, and how to connect with the non-Mennonites around me. Thanks for being brave and addressing this subject! :)

    1. I should have mentioned the fact that I realize reporters have a tendency to mis-interpret information and hear what they want to hear. I'm sure not everything in that article came straight from someone's mouth! The fact does remain, though, that people tend to look at Mennonites with that misconstrued image of perfection and too often we Mennonites are happy to leave them under that impression.....

      Blessings, Bethany

  5. "people tend to look at Mennonites with that misconstrued image of perfection and too often we Mennonites are happy to leave them under that impression....."
    True! And very sad. Blessings on your writing!


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