Friday, February 6, 2015

What I've Been Doing

It's been so long since I've written about common, ordinary things that I nearly forget how! Throughout the month of January I was constantly thinking of things that would have been fun to blog about, now those ideas have all vanished in the fog of my memory. I've done quite a lot of things in the midst of a month of extended blathering about church and rules and Mennonites.....

I've been on an airplane to Florida and back and spent several days pretending to be a Tire Pro with my matchy shirt and name tag. I've hugged Mickey Mouse and melted over little boys taking naps with fuzzy puppies. I've ice skated with the chick in the red helmet and I've made mini pizzas for school lunches using boughten biscuits for crust. And I've sat and listened to my big girl countless times and she may or may not have convinced me to let her take her lesson books and start giving me lessons.

Of course I've done lots of other things too, things not captured in pictures -- I've washed piles and piles of laundry, cooked lots and lots of food and straightened up and cleaned innumerable times. I've held puke buckets and cleaned up the parts that didn't go inside them, listened to my first grader's reading and flashed math flashcards and helped study for tests. I've read "Racso and the Rats of Nimh" aloud and "Atlas Girl" and "No More Strangers" to myself. I've given a few spankings and administered a plenty of stern talks and time outs and more empty threats than I would ever admit. I've put a lot of miles on my rocking chair and smoothed covers and delivered drinks and combed tangled hair and shepherded little people out the door on time 5 mornings a week. I've sighed over snowy puddles and boots on the floor and wet coats and gloves and socks and scarves draped over every available surface.

Of course, that still isn't all. I've shed tears and snapped words and hurt feelings and sat silent. I've spoken hastily and listened halfheartedly and snuffed the light in bright little eyes and rebelled at saying "I'm sorry". I've spent precious time on my phone instead of my people, I've let the laundry set and the dust gather and the supper preparation wait while I was lazy and irresponsible. I've also had prayers answered and seen hearts touched and felt my heart ache over sadness and despair. I've celebrated a birthday and received words of blessing and kindness and had a night off from cooking because of little people pooling their dollars to take us to McDonalds and enjoyed a lovely day shopping with my very favorite-est man.

There's more, of course, but I never said I'd tell you everything! And so, now that I've wasted way too much time in my comfy chair, I shall rouse myself and tackle the laundry and the mess and consider myself to have caught you up sufficiently on my life.......


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!!!!! :) :)

    (To everyone: it was Wednesday the 4th!)

  2. Love your update on ordinary life - because we all have days like yours.


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