Thursday, April 9, 2015


I am a copy cat. I admit it. Once again, I was inspired by This time it was a post with a row of survey type questions that had me smiling and saying, "Oh, that would be fun!" When I tried it for myself it wasn't nearly as fun...or funny...but here it is, just in case you'd like to know:

READING ~ blogs; The Pokey Little Puppy; whatever my first grader brings home and begs to have read!

PLAYING ~ Rumikub; Clue; whatever my kidders can talk me into playing -- the other night my soft heart even gave in to Dealer's Choice. (I actually won, in case you wondered!)

WATCHING ~ My children grow up before my very eyes.

TRYING ~ To imagine keeping these 5 happily occupied when school ends in the near future...

COOKING ~ As little as possible. And when I do? Whatever is quick and easy.

EATING ~ Whatever can be found...sneaking chocolate when possible.

DRINKING ~ Water. And my morning cup of cappaccino.

CALLING ~ No one. Unless absolutely necessary.

TEXTING ~ My favorite man. Always.

CRAFTING ~ Order out of chaos. Every day.

DOING ~ A lot less than I should most days!

GOING ~ To a Love and Respect Conference next weekend, just me and my man.

LOVING ~ The wonder and beauty of Spring Time!

HATING ~ Being on the food committee at church. The end.

DISCOVERING ~ That some days I simply have to take a nap for the good of the rest of the people in this house.

ENJOYING ~ The 3 quiet days a week with my littlest side kick.

HOPING ~ That some day before I am old and grey the little man discovers the art of sleeping all night every night.

CELEBRATING ~ 14 years of marriage come June!

SMELLING ~ The lingering scent of Murphy's Oil on my hands from cleaning the new SIL's house.

THANKING ~ My husband for listening when the Lord said, "There is your wife" and his first response was, "Huh??"

CONSIDERING ~ House Plans!! Oh the fun!

STARTING ~ A new habit of evening walks with my oldest girl.


Feeling inspired to share too? Tell me all your answers! :)


  1. Awe is fun. :)
    Cooking: check
    Calling: check
    Discovering: lol, that is a good one and it had to happen here today!
    Thanking: :)
    Starting: That plus running has to happen here since she signed up for the half mile run at Track and Field! Whew!

  2. I laughed out loud when I read Calling.

    Me, too.

  3. Aaahh. Its comforting to know there's others who don't like to pick up the phone and make that phone call..... :)

  4. Eating, calling, crafting, spot on!:) And we are celebrating 14 yrs. this summer as well :) Loved this post!

  5. Ooohhh! Is there a Love & Respect conference nearby?! And how in the world did 2 ladies who hate making phone calls and cooking end up on the food committee at the same time? I am comforted by your kindred spirit as we slog through it together!

    1. Yes, Cheryl, there is - a church in St Clairsville is having one the 17th and 18th! We didn't realize the 17th is the Spaghetti Supper when we planned to go..... And the food committee? I don't know!! :)


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#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
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