Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Ordinary Days

It's easy to talk about out of the ordinary things, like a day spent doing green beans, or a treat of blackberry smoothies or a sister here for several days and how she sent us off on a date and made supper for the kiddos....

Most of life is made up of very ordinary things. I think I should make a point of taking pictures of just ordinary things for a day or a week. You would see lots of laundry piles, scattered toys, bedrooms that look like tornados struck, dirty floors, dirtier feet, and grimy bathrooms....with spiders in the corners. Oh, and spider webs. I'm sure I could win some sort of prize on spider webs in a house!

Or maybe I should do video clips: "Mo-om!! I had it first and she just grabbed it right out of my hand!" "Booo hooo hooo! He hurt my finger on *Purpose*" "What are we having for supper? Do we have to have green beans???" "But if I can't do that there's nooothing else to do! It's so boring." "She always gets to sit beside you!" "Why do we have to clean up the living room AGAIN?!"

On second thought, no videos. Then you'd hear me too.

There's lots of happy ordinary things too: little girl conversations as they play that crack me up constantly! Imaginations that use tree branches and grass and what have you to have hours of fun outside. Older siblings making the little guy giggle or helping a younger one with a drink or a game or a project. Little bodies snuggled against mine for story time. Shining eyes when they've surprised me by doing a job without me asking.

Every once in awhile I find myself needing to stop and thank God for the ordinary. There's a lot of people who would be so happy to have ordinary!

Tell me something ordinary about your day that you're thankful for.....


  1. Mornings I beat the sun before it rises, watching it slowly get brighter, & start my coffee, my kids running across the kitchen to jump in bed with us beating both the sun & us

  2. Well, I'm thankful for a washing machine!!!!:)
    For a bathtub to wash my dirty boys in the evenings....& I'm so thankful for good health....! And the lovely sunshine!:). I'm thankful for the 'ordinary' things!! Yes.

  3. I am thankful I have a healthy ordinary little girl and my biggest problem is that she decided to give herself a hair cut. She is four and a half. I am very thankful.


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#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
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