Monday, August 10, 2015

And the Winner is......

I had 24 of you who thought it would be interesting to read stories about my childhood :) I numbered your comments as they came in and got all fancy and used to pick the winner. Turned out to be #4 which was "I would love to win this! I loved hearing your mom's stories about the earlier days of Shady Lawn!" ~ Joanna Miller Fisher. Jo is from my home church in AR, so I thought picked pretty well! My sister, Rachel, will get your book to you, Jo. I hope you and your children enjoy it :)

And now for the rest of you who said you wanted to buy the book. I've decided that maybe a simpler way of doing it would be to have you mail me a check if you want a book and then I will send you your book. I'm new at this, sorry! So, if you would like to purchase "Grandma's Storybook of Memories", (which is a small book with stories my mom wrote years ago about our family to be used in the Calvary Messenger as children's stories) you can send a check for $7 (which includes shipping) to: Bethany Eicher, 70174 Pennyroyal Rd, Freeport, OH 43973 and I will get your copy in the mail to you!

Thanks, y'all, for playing along with me. I enjoyed your comments, especially those of you who shared your memories about my mom. I think my favorite was this one: "Oh, I would love to have this book. I remember when your mom was my S S teacher, way back in the day before quarterlies, she made a little book for each of us. I think it had the memory verse and the story for the day in it. I can't remember if she added to it each Sunday or if she had it all together before she gave it to us. She was one of my favorite teachers, but then she got married and moved far away!" Jo

Blessings on your week!

1 comment:

  1. We just moved to Ohio this summer from Pa! We are learning the area, and love how people in the neighborhood stop by and chat!
    We see that we don't live to far apart! Tina


Two words about comments:
#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
#2. I know putting a comment out there for the world to see is scary but just know this -- if you leave a comment, you make my day!