Saturday, October 17, 2015

10 Random 'Sometimes'

1. Sometimes I wonder how many hours of sleep I've lost since becoming a mom. Wouldn't it be interesting to know?

2. Sometimes I quake in my shoes at the thought of 3 teenage daughters in the same house one of these days....

3. Sometimes I look back at certain times in my life and wonder, how in the world did I ever do that???

4. Sometimes the thought of winter coming makes me want to curl up in a cave and not come out til Spring.

5. Sometimes I am easily convinced that keeping a cobweb free house is very over rated.

6. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be married to me... but then my mind goes blank, so I quit.

7. Sometimes I sit at my new house and imagine all kinds of loveliness inside and out... and then I remember we'll still be the same people living there and I get out my reality eraser.

8. Sometimes I look at my youngest and wonder if there ever was such a sweet child? And then he screams over something he wants, and I remember that he's pretty much like all the other little children in the world.

9. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if we wouldn't have to eat. Think of all the things I could do with the time not spent making food for hungry people....

10. Sometimes I wonder if bloggers who write up lists of random things just can't think of anything to write about or if they thought they really came up with an interesting post?


  1. Yes, with you on these :)

  2. I have wondered the same thing about food. Imagine if we could save the amount of time we spend in a year preparing, eating, and cleaning up after! That would be a big chunk of time. I've also thought about how nice it would be to reclaim all the time I spend caring for my long hair... combing, washing, taking down at night...

  3. And imagine the money you would save if you didn't have to buy food too! ;)

    1. Now that is a thought! But then again, that popcorn popping smells so good and what a shame it would be to not enjoy the flavor of that last piece of pumpkin pie... :)

  4. Random lists ARE interesting posts. A peak into real life. You've captured some good stuff here.


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