Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Mom! **Giveaway**

Today would have been my mom's 72nd birthday! For those of you who may not know, in May of 2014 my mom passed away very unexpectedly in her sleep. Last year on her birthday I did a little giveaway in her honor and it was so much fun, I thought I would do it again!

Mom had a heart for people. She wasn't the kind to give big gifts or do big deeds but she quietly slipped encouragement to people through notes and small tokens of her love. Sending notes in the mail was one of her special gifts. Rarely did I get a letter from her that didn't include little notes for each of my children! And usually if she paid someone a visit, it was with a little something in hand to give.

When one of my sisters went to Belize to help with mission work, mom discovered a new love - seeing how much she could pack into small packages to send along with people who were traveling to Belize. She discovered all kinds of tricks to make room for just one more item in her brown envelope!

This year, in honor of my mom, I am stuffing a brown envelope full of goodies to send your way! Inside you will find:
* A copy of my mom's book
* A bag of mom's yummy granola
* A pack of note cards
* A bag of mom's cappuccino mix
* A packet of seeds we saved from my mom's marigolds
* Anything else I decide I can squeeze in ☺

To have a chance at this package showing up in your mailbox? Leave me a comment sharing either a memory of my mom or something special about your mom. The giveaway will be open until December 21, then I will pick a name randomly and see who gets to enjoy a package!

Thank you for helping me celebrate my mom!!


  1. Mom has hosted lots of people over the years, and does not seem to get uptight about what to serve. Growing up in Central America, we never did have lots of fancy dishes, anyway. I've learned to keep it simple and enjoy the company! She has the gift of hospitality in a big way...

  2. My mother enjoyed trying new recipes and learned to enjoy the adventure of a trying new recipes!

  3. I was privileged to meet your mom while I was in VS in AR. I have never forgotten little ways she served alongside your dad -she was the one quietly came to the rescue with a hankie when the Communion cup was dripping and needed wiped, etc. She was so accepting of who I was when I was going through a rough patch as a Mennonite in a Beachy world. Love & prayers as you celebrate the life of a special lady!

  4. My Mom Passed away unexpectedly when I was just 29 years old. She did not know a stranger and was known to hug everyone. She worked in the kitchen behind the scene at every wedding and funeral at our church all of my growing up years. She wasn't famous or rich in worldly goods, but when she died hundreds of people came to say goodbye. I still miss her 27 years later.

  5. My mom was killed in a car accident 25 years ago when I was 32, I still miss her so vey much. She was a pastor's wife, so she often had unexpected guests and lots of people in and out of the home. With a large family, that wasn't always easy. But I admired her gift of hospitality, and her way of making people feel at home. When she died I heard a minister friend say "I could go to Orpha's house anytime, hang up my hat and put my feet up."

  6. my mother enjoys redoing furniture, taking old frames and turning them into beautiful chalkboards. she also has a heart for hurting people.

  7. My Mom has loved me and been there for me thru thick and thin. I'm so thankful for her love and ALL she has done for me! Tina

  8. My mother served as a gracious hostess in an humble setting for many guests. It was such a part of her that once she was hardly able she would still try to get up and serve when we had a family event at their house. It was easier for her to relax if we were not at their house.

    Linda Rose

  9. The one word that keeps coming to mind when I think about my mom is compassion. She has always has a listening ear for the hurting person and service to back it up. Everyone who meets her, loves her. She is pretty special! Karen Regling

  10. My mom's not big on sending things in the mail, but if she has a chance to send something with someone travelling to our area, look out, she can pack you out! She is certainly a generous person.
    (BTW, I was in that crowd Sunday evening and enjoyed your Christmas program immensely! Thanks for coming! Carmen)

  11. I love how I see your mom in you! You love to do spontaneous acts of kindness, just like her. You write what God is teaching you. You treasure small moments and "ponder them". God bless you as you remember that dear lady! I'm honored to have been a friend! -Sharon

    PS. I won last year, and don't deserve to again, but couldn't keep from commenting!

    1. I'll probably give someone else first chance but thanks for commenting!

  12. Your mom looks so 'alive' or what's the right word??, on that picture! We wonder how can our loved one be GONE,when they were with us here on the earth they were so alive, involved in life like everyone else!!!!!!!! Now they aren't reachable at all, they're GONE!! Thankfully we can look forward to seeing them someday in Heaven...
    My mom was very concerned about her children's eternal soul. She loves to give things to others also.
    A hug for you, Bethany, as you think about your mom over her birthday time!

    1. Someone sent me that picture recently and I thought the same thing!! Mom would have fussed about her messy hair but I think it's such a good picture!

  13. I just happened on this blog this morning, (a wonderful thing) and the first thing I thought when I got to the end of this post was, "Is she trying to make me cry or something?" Memory of your mom: She was just a treasure of a lady to me when I was teaching school in your area many years ago, and then she kept on writing to me after I left. The letters were always warm, encouraging - a personal touch from her godly heart. Memory of my mom, (who died from cancer 20 years ago): The way she said, "We all have to fight our own lazies!" Which makes me think I'd better get off the computer now...but my, it's been a great little discovery and reprieve here. Blessings on you today!! -Danette Schrock Martin

    1. O my. Your comment brought tears yo my eyes! You never know who the Lord will bring across your path :) Loved hearing from you!!

    2. I came across this blog and was surprised and moved to tears to see your mom's dear face. Your request took me down memory's lane. Many years ago when Esther and I were young girls she gifted us with look alike aprons. They were tan, bib aprons with our names stitched to the belt. We treasured them. Several years ago she also brought something along for me when they came to visit grandpas and us. It was a homegrown gourd shaped like an apple that she painted red. I still have it. I would say you were blessed with a a very special mom. Love, aunt Mary

    3. Love the memories, aunt Mary! Thanks for commenting :)


Two words about comments:
#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
#2. I know putting a comment out there for the world to see is scary but just know this -- if you leave a comment, you make my day!