Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Every 15 Pictures

Luci, a fellow blogger, challenged her readers to do a blog post using the last picture take on your phone and every 15th picture thereafter for a total of 20 pictures. I thought that might be fun, so here you go...

1) I took a video of the children singing Happy Birthday for grandma Sara and accidentally took a picture first.

2) Charles conked out on grandma's floor where he was busily 
playing with toys.

3, 4, 5, and 6) A Sunday evening spent taking a drive and a walk as a family and then getting all picture happy with my girls.

7) Happy 7th Birthday to Lillian!

8) Being goofy.

9) Corn on the cob late one evening when someone remembered there was still corn in the fridge and thought it would taste good.

10) Peaches. Lots and lots of them.

11) The way we look after a bunch of painting at the new house.

12) On the way home from Grandpa Gingerich's wedding.

13) Lovely flowers on the tables at the wedding.

14) The view from the top of the Ferris Wheel at Tuscora Park.

15) Jars and jars of tomato juice.

16) The dead hanging basket, 

17) Operation legos where you divide the colors and the siblings and see what you can make.

18) Setting up extravagant spreads of toys that are so difficult to pick up and put away later...

19) One of a number of lovely times spent at the lake this summer!

20) Wild raspberries. Remember the story?

So there you are, Every 15 Pictures!


  1. Oooh, so interesting and varied. I love the pictures of the children and their toys. And you barefoot on the bricks. :) And I remember both posts you mentioned. Fun to come across those. Thanks for taking the challenge!

  2. Good to see the house is coming along (#11). I remember those endless days of painting -till you could practically paint in your sleep! This too shall pass.

  3. This was a fun idea. :) Here's mine: https://dewdropsofeternaljoy.blogspot.com/2016/09/every-15-pictures.html


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