Tuesday, January 31, 2017

31 Days: The End

I've reached the end, friends! As usual, writing a series has been such a good thing for me. On the flip side (also as usual), I am so ready to be done.

Perhaps some of you wonder, "How does she find time to write all of this"?? Part of the answer is that we really do find the time to do the things we love. The other part of the answer is that I've been working on this series off and on for about four months and actually had nearly all of my posts written before January 1. Most days this month I've been able to just pull up the next post and edit it, rather than writing a full post every day. Just a little peek behind the scenes there ☺

This month has been busy in more ways than one. As I wrap up this series, we are also trying to wrap up another project -- The House On The Hill! Plans are to have the essentials moved in and be spending our first night there this coming Saturday night. We'll gradually work on moving the rest in the next weeks. Maybe we'll decide we don't need half of it? ☺

Like always, I have so enjoyed your input throughout the month of January. Sometimes I seriously question why I write. I'm just an ordinary woman, with more than my share of flaws, why do I put myself out there and say all these things? My own husband has been using my writing to remind me when I fail, what if I'm making people think I am someone that I'm not? Then I will get one of your encouraging comments or emails and I will be assured that God can use even a cracked, clay vessel.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me this month. This series has been for me, most of all, but I hope all of us have had our thinking stirred enough to put storing up treasure in Heaven into practice in our daily lives. I'd love to hear something that resonated with you this month, if you care to share!


  1. God Bless you for writing, Bethany! It's been good for me to reevaluate what it means for me personally to lay up treasures in Heaven!
    Happy Moving!!

    1. Thank you, Faith! It still feels like a dream but the excitement is soaking in ☺

  2. I liked what you said about it being easier to say you believe in living simply when you have no other choice. That was a good reality check for me. Thanks for writing this month and I hope you keep on! I don't feel much like writing these days but I'm always glad to read what others are thinking about. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing! There's an ebb and flow to a lot of things in life and writing is one of them ☺

  3. I've enjoyed this series immensely! Maybe because it came at such a good time when we're working thru some of these ideas as a couple. Our goal is teach our children that just because something is affordable doesn't mean we must have it! And for us all, to realize that if God has blessed us with more than we need, it behooves us to give it back to Him!

  4. #5. Is it an occasional, expensive nonessential that would say an extraordinary 'I love you'?
    I read this when I was wondering if what I wanted to buy my husband for his birthday was the "right thing". I decided the answer is yes. ☺
    I also liked the thought of laying up treasure in heaven by serving my family cheerfully, even when it seems I do the same things over and over. �� Thanks for tackling this subject. You gave me a lot to think about.

    1. Love that it spoke to a specific situation for you ☺ Serving our families is just a big one for all of us moms!!

  5. I enjoyed the series but what especially stood out to me is living with our ear pressed to the Holy Spirit. Also that living simply does not automatically mean I'm laying up treasures. Congrats on the new "nest" and happy settling in!

  6. Well, you certainly have given of your time and talents (and yourself - that lovely, cracked clay vessel! :)) in this blog series. Thank you, thank you, Bethany. My two take-away quotes are "keep your ears pressed to the Holy Spirit" and "you are beautiful and you are creative, but you are not your own". Blessings on your move into the new house!

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for your comment(s) ☺


Two words about comments:
#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
#2. I know putting a comment out there for the world to see is scary but just know this -- if you leave a comment, you make my day!