Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Normal Days And Saying Nothing

I probably shouldn't even mention the silence in this corner lately -- as if I believe myself to be so important that people are breathlessly waiting for me to say something. Somehow there hasn't seemed to be anything to say, so I haven't said it; that's about the only reason I can give.

To be honest, there doesn't really seem to be anything to say this morning, either, but I'm saying it anyway.

In Ohio, the battle between Winter and Spring continues to rage fiercely. One day we revel in short sleeves and the urge to dig in the dirt; the next, we are forced to admire the magic of a snow covered landscape. The grey, dreary days always wear on my mood but every sunshiny day holds the promise of warmth and new growth and Spring. I cling to those glimmers of hope and Jasmine's row of paper cups hold a promise all their own.

Life has been very normal here at The House On The Hill. We eat and sleep and go to work and school. We consume food and create dirty laundry and a messy house with alarming regularity. Except, if you think about it, it's actually not alarming but comforting. Normal means we're all here; healthy, comfortable and reasonably happy.

Normal means there are little girls creating imaginary houses and accessories out of upside down bar stools.

Normal means a little boy making up stories about 'Honey Bear' and strewing toys all over the floor. It also means shared laughter over the funny things this little boy says. Last night before bed Chris said, "I volunteer Charles Eicher to pick up all these toys. Everyone voting for Charles, raise your hand." Everyone quickly raised their hand. But when Chris told Charles to get busy he piped up, "But I didn't raise my hand!"

Looking back through recent pictures I realize that there have been extraordinary days too. Little things that switch up the 'normal' and keep life interesting and exciting.

One day, grades 1-4 went ice skating. Along with several other moms, I went along for the day. I tied skates and encouraged the wobbling ones, letting them hang onto my hand and even, once, landed hard on the ice when the wobbler lost their footing. I had some sore muscles the next day but it was fun anyway.

Speaking of school, Jennifer and Lillian are enjoying special days during the month of March. The latest one was Hat Day and different headgear seemed to put a sparkle in their eyes. Maybe I should try it myself someday?

Sometimes a cup of hot tea is just the thing to cheer up a cold, dreary day. It's even better to share a cup with a couple of friends, which is just what I enjoyed doing yesterday. I need to do that more often.

I continue to dabble in my new hobby. When I get started, it's hard to stop.

One day, the nice man at this house did his usual good deed of stopping at Aldi after work to pick up whatever it is that I'm desperately needing and grabbed some flowers while he was at it. They are still brightening my days.

That about covers it for normal days and saying nothing.........


  1. AH! Normal is wonderful. I would love to have days of a messy house with toys strewn about. Unfortunately all children and grandchildren live far away and the house stays clean. Although laundry does still accumulate. :-)
    I enjoyed seeing your photos and reading about your days. The skating sounds fun although I'm so clumsy I would never be able to stand. I do love to watch others though.
    We're experiencing the same weather here in Washington State. Yesterday was 64. Today it's 3 with rain mixed with snow.

  2. I've been wondering how you are doing. Your crocheting looks good for a new crocheter. I've been crocheting for a long time but haven't tried to crochet doilies yet.

    1. Thanks! So far I'm just going off of YouTube videos but I'd love to get to the place that I could read a pattern!

  3. Reading a pattern is simple once you get the hang of it. What you can do is, print a copy of U.S. crochet terms. The terms in the UK are slightly different. Better yet, if you don't own a set of crochet hooks, get the book called " I Taught Myself to Crochet". It comes with a set of hooks and instructions on reading a pattern. There are other books that come with a set of hooks but that's the one I used.
    I'm still learning techniques. I confess that I haven't made a pattern that requires a certain gauge yet because I still get confused about it. Betsy who one of your readers crochets the most awesome items and they are so pretty!


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#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
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