Saturday, November 14, 2020

Words About Weather

The weather the last two weeks has been like a special, surprise gift from a Father who knows you well. 

Fall is a beautiful season; I know this in my head but when the leaves begin to change, I always struggle to enjoy it. With the changing leaves comes the end of long, luxurious days of sunshine. In their place come the grey, bleak days and the long, dark evenings. I know only too well how they threaten to suck the life from my soul. The beautiful leaves just mean the end of my favorite season. 

The last week of October was full of rain and grey, heavy skies. But then November rolled in with two weeks of mostly blue sky and sunshine and I think maybe I should stop dreading fall and give it a chance... at least a little bit. 

We've been on a bike trail kick lately, loading up bikes and people three or four times in the last two weeks. It's just the perfect way to get some exercise and fresh air and we have to take advantage of our chances. It's also a great opportunity to show my skills at airing up tires and wielding wrenches on too high seats and cramming bikes into the back of a van. 

It's been worth the effort every single time. 

School at home gives you the advantage of getting your work done early and taking off on a glorious afternoon adventure. But it also gives the disadvantage of not getting daily, vigorous exercise and fresh air. Bike trail for the win. 

Yeah that's me on the tiny bike. 
Like I said, an opportunity to show off all kinds of skills!

It's also been perfect weather to rake leaves, relax in a hammock and play "cowboy". 

I still can't say that Fall is my favorite but these golden days have been a lovely gift and I have enjoyed them to the fullest. I know these days are numbered but I'll relish every one that I get. Also, not gonna be mad if there's lots of snow this winter -- since I won't have to be getting out in it!

A happy weekend to you all.... in a world that seems constantly teetering on the edge, may you find little gifts from the Father, whether sunny or grey. 


  1. I can identify with you. Sunshiny days are such an encouragement to me. LRM

  2. Fall is actually my favorite though October is my least favorite fall month due to Halloween. I'm learning to enjoy the little gifts that God provides like a beautiful sunrise I see in the morning because our cat Kirstie meows at our bedroom door demanding to be fed.

  3. Always enjoy your posts, Bethany. And enjoyed your article in a recent Calvary Messenger! :)


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