Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Creative Outlet For Children

 * This post contains videos. If you are reading on a phone, you may need to scroll to the bottom and select 'view web version' in order to see the videos. 

I've told you before how my youngest daughter loves making videos. Recently, we discovered the Stop Motion Studio app. 

This app allows you to take a series of pictures and then puts them all together into a video. So, for example, if you wanted to make a video that looked like your doll was walking up the steps, you could take a series of photos in which you moved the doll one step at a time in each picture and in the resulting video the doll would appear to move up the steps on its own. It is possible to make very elaborate scenarios with toys or whatever inanimate objects you desire, really. All it takes is lots of patience, large amounts of creativity and a keen eye for detail. I love seeing what she comes up with and trying to figure out how she did it. Sometimes there is tape involved in the "magic" and, always, lots of time!

Maybe some of the rest of you have children who have a knack for this sort of thing and would enjoy creating videos as well. I thought it might be fun to share a couple of videos here for you and your children's enjoyment. If you want details on how the videos were made, you might have to beg her to share some behind the scenes information, cause I sure don't know all the particulars!

This one isn't very long, but I love the little details and the creativity it took to create it.

This one took 96 separate pictures to create it! We laughed and laughed watching the dog go rolling across the floor. 

I think this might be my favorite one of all. Who wouldn't like to have a self cleaning toilet?!

 * * * * * * * * *

In other news, Science projects have been a big thing around here lately. 

Here, we have an Anemometer, which measures wind speed. It works best to measure the air speed generated by a fan but it does work, is the point. 

And here, we have a Barometer, which measures the air pressure. The past two days, which were nice and sunny, the needle sat about four notches higher then it did this morning. Today's air pressure produced clouds and rain. Pretty cool, huh? 

 * * * * * * * *

QOTD: Charles, while doing his worksheets for spelling: "What does ditched mean?" 

Me, feeling puzzled, and quite sure that ditched is not one of his spelling words: "Where does it say that?"

Charles: "No, not here. In Hank the Cowdog when it says 'Had she finally ditched that bird dog?'" 

Me: I should have known. 


  1. My boys would love this, thank you for the recommendation. 🙂 However, I clicked through to the web and I still don't see any videos? Maybe it's just my phone. I thought the videos sound interesting.

    1. Hmm, that's a bummer! If you go to YouTube and search for Bethany Eicher, they should come up under my "channel". Let me know if you can't find them there either!


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