Friday, April 2, 2021

Friday Rambles

This week has been unusual, beginning with a week ago Saturday afternoon. I packed up overnight things for Chris and I, and then wandered off by myself to spend several hours enjoying alone time.

Barkcamp State Park 

The weather was lovely, with signs of spring all around. I drove around the park, wandered down a trail, and found a secluded picnic table. The quiet time alone with God and nature was so good for my soul. One of the things I have missed the most the past year, is alone time. I need to just make it happen more often. 

Chris had work related meetings all afternoon at a swanky motel in our local town. I met him at supper time and we ordered food to enjoy in our room, which was more like a little apartment. When the company you work for provides you with an overnight getaway, you certainly do not complain! It was a lovely time, relaxing talking and just enjoying each other. We had thought we might take a hike the next morning but it was raining. We enjoyed a Bob Evan's breakfast in our room and then checked out at 11.

I had a great server...

Sunday evening, there was a party in Holmes County for the school's read-a-thon Jennifer had participated in. Chris, Jennifer and spent our afternoon/evening there. I must say, the day did not feel like Sunday at all!

Tuesday we celebrated thirteen years of  having Jennifer Lynn in our lives. In typical Eicher household fashion, a last minute birthday outing got planned the day before. On Tuesday, Chris took off work early and we loaded up bikes in one vehicle and Jennifer and friends in another, and headed for the bike trail!

The weather was perfect for a five mile bike ride! Chris, Jasmine and Charles picked us up at the other end. The girls had time to check out the "library" before our ride got there. 

Pizza at the park completed the birthday outing. We delivered bikes and girls to their homes and called it a successful time. 

Wednesday morning dawned wet and chilly. It's been four years since we moved into our house on the hill, and today was the day to finally install a backsplash in my kitchen! (The backsplash was to have been done before moving, but there were issues with the installer and it never got done.) We escaped to town for lunch and then spent the afternoon doing school work at the library. Wouldn't recommend doing that on a regular basis. 

I was also supposed to be getting a new stove on Wednesday, so my old one had been moved out. However, the delivery was delayed a second time (when the delivery truck gets stuck one week and breaks down the next, you begin to wonder if there is a stove). Everything felt a little out of whack with the kitchen partially dismantled. 

Thursday the tile got grouted and we struggled to keep people motivated to do schoolwork. There was snow in the air and a couple with sore throats and it felt like a good day to take a nap! I put my kitchen back together enough to cook a decent supper and tried to catch up on laundry. 

Today my brain can't quite absorb the fact that it's Friday. I should be doing any number of things rather than write this meaningless blogpost but here I am, doing just that. If nothing else, weeks like this one make me grateful for ordinary!

That's all. 

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Our mall has a Little Library and even our doctor office has a Little Library though I fear both may have temporarily disappeared due to Covid.
    I have sewing to do. I've been putting it off so maybe I'll sew tomorrow.
    Have a blessed Easter Sunday!


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