Saturday, August 7, 2021

These Busy Days

Well. I did not mean to go silent for two weeks running! Somehow the time got away from me, and here we are. Nothing says (end) of summer like rushing around willy nilly doing all the things, I guess. 

A week ago we were all breathing an exhausted sigh of relief after six days of going away every night for VBS. We were in charge this year, and being the Eicher/ Gingerich combo that we are, we couldn't possibly just do the normal thing of ordering a curriculum and doing what's usually done. We had a lot of fun brainstorming and tweaking ideas and being creative but I won't lie, there was a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Not everything went nearly as perfectly behind the scenes as it might have appeared. While we might be a very creative family with some wonderful talents, we are not perfect. We knock heads and hurt each other's feelings and have our issues, just like everyone else. 

At the end of the day, I think we learned some valuable lessons and hopefully a whole crew of children learned some things and had a good time in the process. 

Preparing bags of candy for a treasure hunt after the picnic Friday night. 

We went straight from the intensity of Bible school last week, to the hard work of putting up piles of fresh veggies this week. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we saw enough corn and green beans to last us for a while!

Everyone pitched in Monday evening to finish up the corn. Isaac even learned the fine art of cutting corn off the cob -- I told him his wife would thank him someday. 

Those were some of the biggest ears of corn I have ever seen! Yum. Summer time is just the best, hard work and all. 

Friday we headed out first thing to do some school shopping.

I am glad I don't need to do that every day. Shopping, in general, is not my favorite thing in the world and shopping with four people in tow does not enhance my appreciation of the chore. Shopping for shoes for those four extra people is one of my least favorite things of all. But we survived. 

Our favorite bit of the day was buying this chair at the Goodwill.

It was priced at 99 cents, but since furniture was 25% off, we got it at the extraordinarily low price of 79 cents. We figured at that price we could use it as is, try our hand at restoration, or throw it over the bluff if all else failed!

Two more weeks until school starts, and they already look like they'll be full of all kinds of things. I don't know when I'll have time to sit down and unwind my brain and sift through all the things that are hiding under the surface there. I took a few minutes Thursday morning and ended up with more tears and words spilling out everywhere than I quite knew what to do with. I think I'd rather just bury my nose in some old book and not bother.

Onward and upward........


  1. After all that hard work,DE Stevenson and ice cream! What a delightful combination!

  2. My daughter went to VBS that the Mennonite church near us did in July. She loved it, and I especially enjoyed that they had a class for adults too:-) I'm sure everyone appreciated your hard work that went into VBS.


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