Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Morning views...

Winter has officially come to stay! We've had snow on the ground for a good week and a half and it doesn't look like it will be disappearing anytime soon. It is a bright, sparkling, freezing cold morning, and I am quite happy to stay at home in my warm house. 

It is the time of year to dread the lane and the roads. It is also the time of year to be grateful for concrete and pavement that melt quickly into a clear driveway when the top layer of snow is removed! It is also the year to discover with joy that my daughter did not inherit my phobia of snowy roads and can navigate those such as pictured above without knots in her stomach and trembling in her limbs. I shall enjoy this discovery to the fullest while I can!

A couple of random tidbits for you today...

Did you know that command hooks are just the thing for a myriad of purposes?

Maybe I shared this before, but we've been using them to store toothbrushes ever since we moved into this house. Upstairs, they're inside the vanity door and downstairs, they're inside a deep drawer. Works perfectly. 

Did you know that there is storage space on the inside of your cupboard doors? Me either. 

You can, indeed, hang measuring cups on the back of a cupboard door and it still shuts perfectly. So far, I love this storage solution. So much handier than any other way that I've stored my measuring cups in twenty years of marriage! The only downside is that they clatter when you shut the cupboard door, but I can live with that. 

I'm gathering my stack of reading material for my February reading challenges! I am really enjoying reading more. I'll tell you about some of the books I'm reading when we get to February (Obvious solution for the challenge "Tell someone about a book you read for Brighter Winter").

Chris and I enjoyed a company paid getaway last weekend. We booked the cutest, tiny Post Office turned Airbnb you ever did see and hunkered down for two nights to do pretty much nothing but watch it snow and enjoy each other. 

Our hosts were the epitome of 'above and beyond' -- venturing out in the snow multiple times throughout the day to keep our porch and pathway shoveled, providing us with water the first night when we discovered the water was frozen (those unexpected adventures that make for memories!) and then refunding over half of our bill, even though water was restored before morning. 

Me, after our host had bustled in with a space heater for the frozen pipe and a jug of drinking water and a bucket of water to flush the commode: It's ok! We'll be fine. 

Her: It's not ok!! 

Good times. 

And now I must stop this rambling and go take care of laundry and work on a dress for a daughter in need of clothing... 

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Even before you mentioned your daughter driving to school I knew something had changed, when you talked about hunkering down at home and you weren't stressed about the slippery lane. I'm so glad for you that you have relief from that winter-time stress. Linda Rose


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