Tuesday, February 28, 2023



Feb 3: Who knew the library could offer the hope of green, growing things?

I've been silent for a whole month again; I guess that's what happens when I stop having a monthly reading goal to report on. I listened to one whole audio book in the month of February: Watership Down. Looks like I still don't do very well at reading when there's no goal! 

A couple of February highlights...

I turned a year older on the fourth
(Yep. That's me and my birth announcement.)

Jasmine turned a year older on the eighth

We ended this year's Bible quizzing with a third place win for Isaac's team. They memorized the book of Ruth and John 6 and 7 this year.

He got to coach two of his sisters and their friends this year. After a kind of discouraging year, I was so proud of them that they made it to the finals! 

Following the quiz retreat weekend, was our school's week of winter break. We stayed at an airbnb for the weekend and spent a very laid back week at home the rest of the time. We took one day to go to the Carnegie Science Museum as a family. I remember how, as the youngest of six, I was convinced my family did everything fun before I was old enough to remember! Now, as a parent, I see how easily that happens -- Charles didn't remember all the times we've been to science museums in the past. 

It was a fun day... even though I hardly took any pictures. 

Today is a grey, wintery day. I woke up with a headache and the grey skies make me feel dull and listless. On a recent sunny day, when I felt bright and energetic, I got all caught up in a fun and exciting brainstorm about posting a picture on my blog every day in the month of March. Now the idea seems like a drag, and I have serious doubts about it being either fun or exciting. It seems much more probable that I'll start, and wish I'd never begun, long before 31 days are past! 

Does your brain do that too -- offer 559 reasons why a bright idea isn't a good one at all? I feel like my brain is way worse about that than it used to be (or maybe I've just gotten way worse about listening to it?) At any rate, whether it ends up being dull and boring or not, I'm going to act on the brainstorm. 

So, coming in March, one picture every day. It won't be anything phenomenal, just a way to stop and take notice of things -- funny things, pretty things, inspiring things, boring things, interesting things, dumb things..... my head is feeling less dull already!


  1. I’m looking forward to seeing more of what you do this month. Thanks for choosing to ignore the clouds and do this, it’s an inspiration to me.

  2. Happy belated birthday. We share the same birthday, but I just turned the big 50.


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#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
#2. I know putting a comment out there for the world to see is scary but just know this -- if you leave a comment, you make my day!