Tuesday, March 7, 2023

A Month of Pictures: 07


This Facebook memory stopped me in my tracks this morning. 

Six years ago, I wrote this post celebrating six years of blogging. At the time, we had just moved into The House On The Hill, I hadn't experienced a child getting their driver's license yet, and I still had a child who wasn't in school. It's wild to realize that I am currently at the point in time I was talking about when I said, "Frankly, I'm glad I can't see ahead six more years!"

Twelve years ago, I googled "how to start a blog", and hit publish for the first time. Twelve years. Eight hundred and ninety-three posts later, I barely recognize the woman I was then. 

What will the next six years bring? Who knows! Many changes, I can guarantee that. Very likely my house will be emptier than it is now; quite possibly I'll even be a grandmother. Six years ago I said the same thing -- who knows? "But I expect I'll still be here, sharing bits and pieces of it with you."

Well, here I am... just barely. The bits and pieces have gotten smaller and less frequent, but I'm still here. I won't make any predictions about 2029!

PS. I'm curious -- how long have you been with me? Any 12 year folks? 6?


  1. I don't know when I discovered your blog and started reading it. you were already living in Ohio, but not in the house that you're living in now.

    Linda Rose

    1. And if there was a prize for the most consistent comment-er, it would go to you!

  2. Go you on all the years of writing! I certainly haven't been here for that long... maybe just the past 2 years? 1? Not sure. And I've also started my own blog as an experiment... and I even dabble with it once in awhile, lol. :) Since I set it up on an experimental basis, I don't think I'll cry tears if I suddenly decide, "That's it- I'm done." We'll see.

    1. Never know! You might surprise yourself six years from now... 🙂

  3. Hi, Bethany! I think I've been reading your blog at least close to when you started. It was one way for me to keep up with one of my FMH friends. 😊 I've enjoyed your series over the years, two that stand out are your courtship stories and your marriage advice. The latter was very timely, we had just gotten engaged, so I drank in anything I could on the subject. Blessings to you and yours!
    --Amy Nisly Garvey

    1. I always love to see your name come up in the comments -- brings back wonderful memories! 🙂❤

  4. Aww, thanks! We had some very good times. 😊


Two words about comments:
#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
#2. I know putting a comment out there for the world to see is scary but just know this -- if you leave a comment, you make my day!