Tuesday, May 16, 2023

One Year Later

 Exactly one year ago today, I published a graduation blog post titled "Class of 2022". A lot can happen in one year....

This past weekend, Chris and I traveled to Boston for another graduation -- same child, different experience. 

Jasmine spent the past nine months studying at Sattler College and completed their One Year Certificate in Biblical Studies. It was so good to be there and see the places and meet the people that have impacted her life so deeply. It was a short trip - driving there Friday and returning Sunday - but very much worth it. 

I didn't take many pictures, I was too busy taking in the sights and trying to match up faces with all the names I've heard so many times. 

Just gazing at the graduation venue and listening to the beautiful organ music was an experience in itself! A favorite memory was having a long time blog reader spot me and introduce herself -- so special!

Pictures and celebration on the Boston Common

Chris and I, with Jasmine and Uriah

A view from Sattler's windows

Saturday afternoon we got a good taste of Boston life -- lots of walking! Sandals weren't the best choice of footwear, but it could have been worse. We got to walk Jasmine's daily path from college to dorms and a common path from dorms to train station. 

We got to experience riding the T, and having a conversation with a very chatty individual and observing many stripes of other people. 

But my most favorite thing of all was the chance to meet the beautiful people who have nurtured and fed and loved my daughter the past nine months. Just thinking about it now brings a lump to my throat. I'm so grateful for the ways God is able to do above and beyond what we ask or think!

Not only has a lot happened in a year, I feel like I have grown and stretched and learned in many ways as a mother myself. Having children will do that to a person, no matter the stage of life! Here's to many more years of learning.....


  1. I was applauding via the live stream. Congrats Jasmine! Know something of all the mom emotions...

  2. I also really enjoyed the graduation. It was really nice meeting you.


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#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
#2. I know putting a comment out there for the world to see is scary but just know this -- if you leave a comment, you make my day!