Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Past Month In Pictures

 A look back through my camera roll to review these last weeks of summer...

The remains of a lady's breakfast I hosted in the days after the wedding when I suddenly had all the energy and head space to Do Things.

Breakfasts on the porch... summertime is my favorite!

I didn't grow any veggies this year, aside from one volunteer tomatoe plant, but I enjoy weeding and puttering around in the flowers. 

Just me, messing around with flower arranging and pretending to be a photographer...

Lillian and I spent an evening being extras at The Living Word where Jennifer is part of the cast this year, every Friday night June through September. Met a whole community of lovely people who have taken my daughter in and applauded her talents and accepted her as one of their own. 

Fun day shopping in Holmes County, where there are stores that sell dolls with headcoverings....

Fresh peaches. A taste of summertime...

Evening walks, with beautiful skies...

And two goofy kiddos with their bikes.

Sickness, a bullseye rash, and treatment for Lyme... first Charles and then me. So grateful we caught it right away. 

Green beans...

And tomatoe juice. I didn't put up as much food this year but still needed some things. Feels good to have that done!

Evenings spent helping Chris at the house we are slowly, slowly remodeling. 

Evenings taking walks down the road, and pausing to notice "counterweights".

 (Counterweight: Anything that helps keep us upright against the strain of everything that hurts in this world and our lives. --Shannon Martin)

And, finally, helped my oldest pack up to head off to the first of two years at Faith Builder's in Guy's Mills, PA. Excited for him and his new adventures! At the same time, looking around in bewilderment at us being the parents with only three left at home... adjustments, adjustments. 

Summer is winding down. Soon it will be back to school time and new schedules and new adventures! 

Not a bad month, all in all. 

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