Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What I Could Tell You

Mom's flowers are a jungle of green these days, with bursts of yellow and orange everywhere! "We'll save seeds every year, and always have flowers that belonged to Grandma!" the girls say. A legacy of flowers, sounds fitting to me.

Life has been full and busy lately. Too busy to think. And when I don't think, I don't blog. So I haven't.

I could tell you about a weekend spent with old aquaintances. I could tell you about a day spent with 2 other ladies -10 hours in the van and 2 at the viewing of our friend's mother. I could tell you about a day spent canning green beans or the mounds of laundry after the weekend away. I could tell you about my dirty, dirty house with all it's many cobwebs or about my horrendously dirty hair, for that matter....

I could tell you about our van, who's water pump is on it's last leg. I could tell you about my supper menu - which is non-exsistent and should be getting figured out this very minute. I could tell you about big boys that tease and tease and, well, tease....and little boys who have learned to lay in their own bed to go to sleep and are now *fingers crossed* not getting me up during the night! I could tell you about little girls who are SO tired in the morning and who just CAN'T wake up enough to get dressed for school and who just DON'T feel like eating whatever is available for breakfast.....

I could tell you about the excitement of big girls who, after many lessons, are beginning to be able to play songs out of a songbook! I could tell you about little girls who spend half their day with a woe-be-gone face saying "I don't know what to do, there's no one to play with!" And then turn around and fuss with the people they wanted to play with the minute they're home. I could tell you about freezers, full to the brim with summer's goodness, and rows of jars on shelves. I could tell you about husbands who faithfully go off to work every day even in the blazing heat......

I could tell you of many things, but I'm busy. And I'm not thinking. So I won't bore you all!

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