Friday, August 29, 2014

What Moms Do

Ever wonder what moms do?

This morning I got up. I enjoyed the dark silence and some time to wake up quietly. I then embarked on my day -- got dressed, and started on school lunches. I went to the freezer to get bars for said lunches. "I think I'll keep one out for myself," I decided. I set my bar on the counter and finished up lunches. I urged the first grader to get dressed; I combed her hair. Somewhere in the midst of things, my oldest noticed the bar on the counter, "Mmmm! One lonely little bar...." he said, reaching greedily. "Oh, go ahead," I shrugged. "I got it out for me but you can have it."

That's what moms do.

After seeing the children off I got my little girl cereal and decided to get some for myself before the little man woke up. "I'll go ahead and get another bar out, I really wanted one," I decided. I fixed my cereal with the bar nicely resting in the middle. I sat down. I took four bites. The little man woke up, right on que! I can't be cross long with his little arms tight around my neck and head snuggled on my shoulder. I sit back down, take up my spoon and share my breakfast. Little man likes bites with bar included best so I fish out cereal for me, and bar for him, and we finish the meal happily.

That's what moms do.

Tonight, when all the hungry little grubbers are in bed, I think I'll go to the freezer, remove the biggest bar, and eat it. All.

Sometimes moms do that too!


  1. Good one. I sneak things too after they are in bed. :D

  2. It is true! Mom's always go without when there isn't enough for the kids, take the smallest serving. I did see a funny saying though that said when you grow up you can eat the secret ice cream that gets eaten after you go to bed!

  3. Yes Moms do!
    Thank you I needed this today. Nice to know I am not alone!

  4. Sounds so familiar :)


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