Saturday, December 19, 2020


 A little of this and that on a snowy Saturday with the sun trying to shine. 

We got a beautiful snow early this week and it's still hanging heavily on the trees, turning the view outside into a thing of wonder and beauty. I must say, the number one advantage to homeschooling is the privilege of not needing to get out in the cold nor needing to navigate snowy roads. I will be relishing every single snow this year. 

To be honest, part of that might also be due to the fact that my children can now bundle up all by themselves and go out to play for hours, then come in and take care of the mess on their own. Amazing. The two youngest have played and played in the snow this week!

That rack was my mom's "dryer" back in the day. She used to set it on top of the wood stove and dry clothes in the wintertime. 

We've been on a puzzle putting together binge lately. We've done a number of easier ones that we've put together multiple times and a couple of harder ones that I picked up recently at the Goodwill. I love doing puzzles. I'm almost as bad with a puzzle as I am with a good book -- can't stop till it's done. 

This one was the biggest challenge! It was also missing a piece, but for .99 cents, one can't complain. 

This one was easier but still a fun challenge. I opened the box to find that the previous owners had put all the edge pieces in a ziploc bag. Did you ever?? Felt positively like cheating! I guess I've burned the rest out; I basically put this one together all by myself. Then again, it's partly just that someone in the house has a new toy that's more fun than puzzles. 

She's already turning her squawks into actual music and it's so fun to listen; especially when they all three get in on the action. 

I really should stop this rambling and run along to my cleaning and laundry and responsible activities. This post makes it sound like my week was all cozy and cheery and fun, and that's not entirely true. I had a bitter disappointment, a humbling blow to my pride and my share of the grouchies this week too, just so you know. Life is most always a mix of the good and the ugly, no matter how rosy it looks from the outside. 

Have a rosy weekend, ugly bits and all!


  1. The children taking care of their own winter things, and having a place to put them to dry is a game changer! I love when they go out to play and say yes a lot more than I have in the past when so much depended on me. (I'm not saying I shouldn't have said yes more before, just that is how it is.) Also, not having to drive in the snow is a great benefit of homeschooling!
    And I love puzzles! I generally have one out from Thanksgiving till the end of March. I procrastinate a lot of housework and think through a lot of life's 'puzzles' while putting literal pieces together.

    1. Yes, yes, yes, to all of your comment!

    2. Yes especially to the 'puzzling while puzzing'. Never thought of it that way :)

  2. Yes, the puzzling continues here, too. They started another one last evening a little before bedtime and now it’s finished already, barely 24 hrs. later. It kinda ‘puzzles’ me how you can do one that fast! I’m guessing the 2 of them have done around 20 give or take, in the past 4 weeks or so. Pretty amazing what some people can do when their minds are set on it.

    1. I always hesitate to say how quickly a puzzle got done at my house because I'm afraid it only shows how little else got done! 😉


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