Thursday, November 3, 2022

A World Where There Are Octobers

I am not necessarily in the Anne of Green Gables quoting crowd when it comes to October -- you know the one, where you share her famous sentiment of being so glad you live in a world where there are Octobers. I will say though, October has been quite nice this year here in Guernsey County Ohio. Sadly, I didn't take nearly enough pictures of the beautiful leaves this year but you know how it is -- pictures don't do justice anyway!

I feel like October disappeared in a blink! I'm not sure where the days went or why they passed so quickly, but here we are in November. I did manage to keep my goal of reading/ listening to four books...

Top left: An old, L.M. Montgomery classic that I read years ago. 

Top Right: Listened to another of The Cottage Tales Of Beatrix Potter on Libby. Great series when you just want a book to read for pleasure. 

Bottom left: Amazing story of life after attempted suicide. 

Bottom right: An interesting story from 9/11, when all the planes were ordered to land and flying was restricted. 

What else did I do the past 31 days? Let me see.... looking back through my planner I see a lot of "laundry" on my to do lists. Also a lot of "study for lady's SS class". I see that I...

- sewed a dress for my mother-in-law

- canned some pumpkins

- listened to memory verses at school

- went out to eat for a friend's birthday

- relished texts and conversations with my daughter in Boston

The unique sights in the city...

- took my girl's thrift store shopping when they had off of school for a day

- baked and then baked some more for the school auction

- snuggled Chris's new nephew

- and made his three year old niece an "Elsa cake" for her birthday

- deep cleaned my tiny laundry room that collects allllll the things

- started cleaning out kitchen cupboards and never finished

- re-did a school bulletin board for my son's classroom

- met a friend for breakfast

- drove the road between here and church/ school many, many times! That included several foggy morning drives, which always makes me think of Arkansas and my growing up years. We often had heavy fog - the kind where we couldn't see buildings across the road for a whole day, or maybe even several days. I tried to capture some pictures but dirty van windows and limited cell phone cameras don't produce anything real spectacular. 

And now, here we are in November, and the sun is streaming in through my windows (that should be washed) and there is a clean pile of bed sheets staring at me (that should be put back on beds) and my microwave beeping to remind me that my meat is thawed (that should be fried for tonight's chili soup) and the clock is ticking on toward school pick up time (when I will need to go in and talk to the 5th and 6th grade teacher about subbing tomorrow afternoon and pick up the remnants of the food I supplied for Isaac's classroom's party yesterday afternoon). 

What do you do at home by yourself every day, you ask? Well, let's just say it's not a boring life. If all else fails, there's always "laundry" and "study for lady's SS class" on my list...

Happy November!

  * * * *
PS. I must be perfectly honest and add that, while I've listed a lot of things I did in the past 31 days, I do a lot of 'nothing' around here too. I'm grateful for that privilege. It's a gift that my brain does not do well without. 


  1. Yes, I need time to think sometimes, which may look like doing nothing.

    Linda Rose

  2. Well I’d say you accomplished a LOT!! Oh and I just read your article in DOP! So good!!


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