Tuesday, December 6, 2022

A Bit of Nothing

It's a crisp, sunny, December morning. I have a sick child in my bed, sourdough bread dough rising, and piles of laundry to take care of. For the first time in a while, my week feels mostly empty, and I am not one bit sad about it! I think every single week in November had some Big Thing I was planning for or working on. December will have its share of busy, so I'm planning to enjoy this breather to the fullest. 

I wasn't planning to start the week off with a sick child, so we shall see how empty the week actually remains. 

November was a good month, in spite of all the things going. A few highlights were: being with most of my family for Thanksgiving day (and only needing to travel an hour and a half to do it!), hosting several different members of my family throughout the week of Thanksgiving (we were kind of a revolving motel and it was fun!) and -probably best of all- Isaac and Jennifer flying to Boston to be with Jasmine for several days and completely surprising her by Jennifer being along when she thought it was just going to be Isaac. 

I read/ listened to four books in November

Top left: Another one in the series that I've been listening to. 

Top right: Interesting story by Paul Stutzman about his hike of the Appalachian Trail

Bottom left: Another book to feed my intrigue with The Royal Family

Bottom right: A light, easy read about a young couple and the first hard years of their marriage

I have one, last month to complete my goal of reading four books a month in 2022!

 * * * * *

Take two. 

It's a dreary, grey, December day. I have a still sickly child napping in my bed, a clean load of laundry in the dryer and a sewing project scattered around on my dining room table. My week has gone from empty to possibly multiple days of going away and the few things I thought were on the agenda have all been re-arranged. Sounds about like normal life, right?

I have absolutely nothing of great importance to say and no pictures to show you of it either. Just a few random things....

Last week, in preparation for my Sunday school class, I listened the Chained to the Chariot sermon that I shared with you at the beginning of this year. It spoke to me just as loudly now as it did then. Maybe you would enjoy it again too?

Speaking of my intrigue with The Royal Family --

My daughter got to see the Prince and Princess of Wales while they were in Boston last week! Pretty sure it was worth standing out in the rain, perched on top of a trash can, to be able to tell her grandchildren someday, "I heard Prince William speak in person!"

I just saw that Daughter's of Promise is running a sale on their inventory of old magazines. I'm not a great fan of promoting myself, but I did write an article for their last issue. The theme was "Commitment", and I shared a bit of my story with foster care. If you're interested in their sale, you can find it here. Look under 'shop magazine issues'.

Last but not least. Wanna do something to make your significant other's day?

First, buy them a nice card. Then, get yourself a pen, a paper, and a stamp, and send them a good old fashioned letter in the mail. Doesn't matter how long it's been since they've seen that handwriting on an envelope in their mailbox, the sight of it will cause them to grin like a fool and may even bring a dampness to the eyes and butterflies to the heart. Or maybe that's just how it affected me. I think it does things to the heart of the writer as well. 

I think that's about enough random-ness. Maybe I'll go fold that load of laundry that's in the dryer and call it a day. 


  1. To the person who asked for the author of Joy In The Morning - I'm so sorry, I accidentally deleted your comment! The author is Betty Smith.

  2. I've been trying to do more reading mysekf. This month I'm trying Gina Martin's reading allenges and I hope Lord willing to participate in the Brighter Winter program.


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#1. If you leave a comment and it seems to disappear, that's because all comments go straight to my email and I publish them later.
#2. I know putting a comment out there for the world to see is scary but just know this -- if you leave a comment, you make my day!