Friday, January 8, 2021

Not A Tale Of A Turkey

 I confess: I really don't have anything of consequence to say but I kind of feel like saying stuff anyway. 

Just documenting 
the five minutes of sunshine
this week...

Actually, I've wracked my brain for a decent blog post topic. Alas and alack, there are no Turkey Stories to tell. Of course, I'm not wishing to wake up to the smell of a turkey that isn't there but, well, you know what I mean. I did have an order for the book, These Stones, the other day that had a connection to the famous turkey story. It seems the lady ordering a book has a sister who reads my blog and she shared the Turkey Story with her! That made me grin. 

I feel like I haven't written anything wise and intellectual for many days. What can I say? I just do not have it in me to address anything serious or weighty. I feel very, very un-wise. 

In 2019, our church read through the chronological Bible together. I stayed on track better with regularly reading the Bible that year than I ever have in my life. On January 1, I started listening to it again, using The Bible Recap. I am terrible at self discipline and I know it will be harder without knowing that lots of others are doing it with me, but I really want to try to stick with it. I also set some disciplines in place for social media. I'm scared to even say that out loud. 

The grey, grey days of winter have been threatening to take me out this week. Today I had big plans to take a photo every hour and share that as my blog post. It was an attempt to add some pep to my day but I fizzled out at 3:00.

We start every school morning at 9:00 sharp or soon thereafter. We meet downstairs and pray together and then Charles heads upstairs with me, while the girls work downstairs with Jasmine. Since Christmas they've been working on states and capitols together first thing and that's what the picture came from. The enthusiasm level looks so high I can hardly stand it. 

I suppose I should write about the pros and cons of homeschooling -- there are both, for sure. I always come back to the fact that it's not even really fair to say I'm a homeschool mom. Jasmine teaches the girls. If I had to do it alone there would just be one long list of cons, I can guarantee you that. 

After observing my puzzle mania, Chris bought me this one just before Christmas. I could hardly wait to start it, it's such a cute picture. But my goodness. That was the hardest puzzle I've done this winter! All that green and flowers was quite a challenge. I listened to The Robe on Libby a lot of the time I worked on it. I read that book years ago and loved it and the audio version was even better. Kind of sad I finished it. 

I've been listening through Jan Karon's Mitford series lately. I've always loved those books and they have a great reader. 

Yes, I have a very difficult life -- listening to audio books and doing puzzles! That's not all I do, believe it or not. But you're right, I do have an easy life. I won't bore you with coming up with ideas for the day's science lesson or figuring out how to get a child with a phenomenal memory to master math facts or my prayers for patience when the same child guesses at the big words when reading or the daily hope that there are enough leftovers in the fridge for lunch. 

I will stop rambling and leave you with this typical QOTD:

Charles, in the middle of a Math test -- "Mom, do you know what the three rings actually were in Hank The Cowdog and the Case of the Three Rings?" Ummm... yes, I actually do. But you're supposed to be doing a Math test!


  1. Last winter when we had so much cloudy weather I began to realize why so many people from places like Ohio flock to Florida in the winter. The sun doesn't always shine here but it sometimes gets me down if it hides too long. LRM from Kansas

    1. Yes, sunshine makes such a difference. Today the sun shone all day!! Even though I'm nursing a head cold, it still made me feel like a new person!

  2. If it helps at all, Richard and I are reading through the Old Testament this year with Arianna.

    1. Several others said they're doing the Bible Recap as well. It is nice to know 🙂


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