Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Birthday Jasmine!

Twelve years ago today, my oldest daughter lay in my arms, a helpless newborn. She didn't stay that way long! From walking at 10 months, to being potty trained at 18 months, Jasmine has always been eager to learn the next thing.  Her father's daughter, with her love of discussions and needing to know the why behind everything in life, Jasmine is a determined young lady, and whatever she sets out to do, 
she does well.

From making pie crusts and
 cinnamon rolls... drawing and playing piano.
From working diligently on large amounts of memory work and being on one of the school's Bible Quiz teams... putting up with a tiny bedroom shared with two little sisters...
She gives it her all.

Sometimes we knock heads with our different approaches to life ("Why are you scrubbing the drainer when you're washing dishes at 8 pm??") and our predictable differences in opinion (If she thinks two colors look good together, I'm sure to think they don't!) but when she's gone for a sleepover, like she was last week, it doesn't take me long to realize how much I rely on this child, not only for her help around the house but as my friend.

These days she's taller than me and has outgrown my shoes but I thank God for my twelve year old 'little' girl
with the big heart and the gifted hands.
Her sensitive spirit and never-give-up attitude are a challenge 
and I'm proud to be her mother!

Happy 12th, Jasmine...
and here's to many more!


Treva said...

And I'm proud to be her aunt! :)

Amy B. said...

Happy Birthday, Jasmine! Hope you had a great day!

Tina Z said...

Happy Birthday to a special young lady!!:)

Mark said...

Happy Birthday Jasmine! And congratulations to mom and dad, for the faithful ministry you are doing as parents.

Gina said...

I didn't realize that you and I began our mothering journey at the same time. My oldest child will be twelve in April.

Scary how fast time flies. But a joy to watch children mature.

Bethany Eicher said...

The way I wrote that is a little firstborn is a son who will be 14 (14!!!) in May. Jasmine was my first daughter. I'm thinking the way I wrote that sounds really dumb! :)

Bethany Eicher said...

And I'm just perfectionist enough that I changed it ;)