Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Why Did He Do It?

I don't know if this fall is more gorgeous than usual or if I'm just taking more notice of it for some reason. Either way, it's been gorgeous. The weather has been absolutely perfect and the trees... I can't even describe the beauty.

Pictures don't really do it justice either but I'm going to give you a little peek at my drive to school this week...

Have you ever wondered if God cared about you? Somehow the fact that He would go to the bother of making trees look this beautiful for a few days in the Fall convinces me that He does.

Does the fact that a tree has beautiful leaves make it a better tree? Does it make the fruit it produces more tasty? Not really.
Why did God bother?

Maybe He was just having fun, 
who knows?
Maybe He hoped it would 
make us think of Him;
cause us to worship.

Maybe He wanted us to realize 
something about Him.
There's something special to me about serving a God who loves beauty.

Maybe He wanted to put an ache 
in our hearts for Heaven.
Can you imagine a place that is so much more beautiful than this?

Maybe He just wanted to 
brighten our days.
Stop and think about how dull 
and hopeless a black and white
 world would be!

Whatever the case, 
something inside of me aches
at the sheer, glorious beauty of it all.

And I worship 
with awe
at the feet of a Father
who creates such beauty
Just Because.


Had you been following me  this afternoon on winding 
little ol Pennyroyal Road, 
you might have wondered what ailed the crazy lady in the blue van who kept stopping in the middle of the road and sticking her phone out her van window every couple hundred yards.......


Monica said...

Lovely pics... thanks for drawing my attention to our heavenly Father.

Mark said...

I love this! Especially the statement, "Maybe He was just having fun!" I've been training myself to be more mindful of seeing God's expressions of love in simple matters, in funny moments, and so on.

I think we get so caught up in the grandeur of God (which He is) that we forget that He loves humor. He smiles.