Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunshine and Shadows

My morning drive to school involves a road that weaves along mountains and trees. This morning I drove mostly in the shadows but the sun was shining gloriously on the distant hills! Occasionally I would drive through a patch of sunshine, then it was back into the shadows. My life feels so much like that drive right now! I've been frustrated and impatient lately, wallowing in the shadows and longing so much for the distant sunshine, I hardly notice the sunny patches along the way. Saturday I was begging God for a breath of air. I even had some suggestions for Him, like a Sunday dinner invitation for instance! After our supper at McDonalds, Jasmine and I ran some errands alone while the rest went with Daddy. We ended up confiding in each other our impatience with life and how living in was just making us plain grouchy! I suddenly realized God had answered my prayer in the form of my 8 yr old daughter! I'm determined to quit wallowing this week. I just might go out and MAKE some sunny patches if I must!

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