Tuesday, February 10, 2015

In Other News

Okay, so I re-read my "Dear Mom" post last night and realized that I kinda left the wrong impression. While my Dad is amazing, and I'm fine with everyone thinking that, I had actually mentioned the teapot to him in my email reply. That was supposed to come through in my little 'story thread' there but I realized later I kinda left the wrong impression! So, anyway, just so you know :)

In other news -- this lady, who has been saving her precious $5 of cleaning money to help pay for a new keyboard for months now, is the proud owner of a full length one with weighted keys!! Her dad completely surprised her last night and her eyes are still shining this morning! The little guy is pleased as well :)

And its Hot Lunch at school today..... oh Hot Lunch, how I love thee..... :) Have a good day!

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