Thursday, October 13, 2011

the One who understands it all

It's unusual for me to not do my regular, twice a week blogging. There's been some unusual things going on in my world, I guess. A new kind of pain that I've never known before, a new kind of heart ache that I've never experienced, a new peek at the bigness of God and the smallness of my view. On top of that, I'm suddenly packing up me and my 3 girls for a flying trip to AR! I'm a big mixture of scared (I'll have to do things that aren't comfortable for me alone), and excited (I am looking forward to seeing everybody)! So, I'm gathering clothes and necessaries and stuffing them in suitcases and trying to corral emotions and feelings and throw them at the feet of the Father who understands hearts. The One who understands pain and heart ache and love and helplessness. The One who is able to take it all and write a beautiful story full of intricate and exciting details that I've never even thought of! And ... who knows how lost I'll feel without my closest friend on earth for 3 days and 4 whole nights!!

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