Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 17: Pit Stops Along The Journey

Sometimes, along this "journey", I've gotten quite side tracked and that yearning to "be that wife who Gets It" has fallen by the way side. Every so often, it seems, something has come along to re-light the flame! Like 2009-2010 when job/church/relationship stress drove me back to the Love and Respect book. I so wanted to learn to be the wife who supported her husband first, instead of what others thought and said! I sat down and wrote out a list of all the things in 6 catagories that I respected about my man. And I quietly worked at showing that respect. It was so rewarding to have him say one day, "I know you're doing something!" And then there was 2011 when we moved to Ohio. Right in the middle of renewed struggles on the subject, the book "Daughters of Sarah" by Genevieve M. White was practically dropped in my lap. Such a small, plain little book, but Oh! So full of tidbits that I needed! She drove home again the fact that submission was all about obeying Him. It couldn't have come at a better time...

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