Monday, March 31, 2014


Yesterday morning we woke up to a world covered with a wet, white blanket of snow! Sigh... March 30th, really??! But today? Today it looks like God finally flipped the switch for Spring!! Blue, blue sky, bright, beautiful sunshine, gentle, cool breeze.... aaaahhhhh! I think I hear a huge collective sigh as we all exhale and let this lovely day sweep the Long, Cold Winter away! My girls are outside reveling in the freedom of playing outdoors and not freezing, my house is all straightened up (why does the weather affect that?) and my mind is full of walks and picnics at the park and flowers and flip flops and all such lovely ideas! I am glad, after all, that God made winter - it sure makes me appreciate days like today so much more!! Happy Spring Time to all of you! May you feel His love for you today just as bright and warm as the lovely sunshine outdoors! :) PS I haven't gotten much input on household organizing tips... All I can assume is that I have a very organized audience! :) You can still share!

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