Monday, March 3, 2014

This, Is Life

It's a week off of school with bare roads - and snowy roads on the first day back. It's giving "new mommy" tips and realizing I've learned a few things the past 12 years - and turning right around and needing to make things for hot lunch and feeling completely out of my comfort zone! It's marveling at God's hand working in an impossible situation - and hearing tales of scandal in a Christian Leader that leave you feeling sick. It's laughing at baby and all his many cute antics at this "cutest stage yet" - and groaning in deep frustration over getting out of bed for the third time in the night. It's turning piles of laundry into tidy stacks put away in drawers - and marveling at the piles of laundry looming large as ever 2 days later! It's having heart to heart conversations with a child who's young mind is beginning to digest life's big questions - and sighing over the same child's childish reactions! It's the good and the bad, the mundane and the exhilerating, the happy and the sad...... This, Is Life.

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