Friday, February 9, 2018

Curious George And The Little Boy With The Funny Hat

This is George.

George is a good little.......
well, not actually a monkey
but we can pretend.

George was once a little girl's
 pencil topper
 but then she gave him away
and now he lives with his friend,
The Little Boy With The Funny Hat.

George has many adventures
with the little boy with the funny hat.
The little boy likes to take him everywhere!

One day he went along to the post office

And the library

and McDonalds.

George likes to ride around
 in the little boy's coat pocket

 or to be carried, 
all snuggled up in his hand.

Sometimes he shares the
 little boy's cookies

Or sits beside 'Honey Bear'
and listens to stories
on the computer.

Sometimes he gets to help
play baby doll
and take rides in the back
of the old, pink stroller.

George is a very tiny
little monkey,
and hard to keep track of.
When he gets lost,
the little boy with the funny hat
is very sad.

"Where is George?"
He will cry.
And the whole family will go
on a George hunt.
Just when they are sure they have seen George for the last time,
he will turn up again 
in the most unlikely places!

In the seal of the washing machine --

What a scary experience 
that was for George!

Tucked under a blanket
where he spent a whole night
and a day before being discovered --

What a joyful shout 
went up that day!

In an abandoned heap
where he spent the night at the bottom of the steps --

What a lonely night 
that must have been!

And many other places 
too numerous to mention.

George is a good little monkey and always up for an adventure but at the end of the day his favorite place to be
 is snuggled up in the hand of
 The Little Boy With The Funny Hat
 as he drifts off to sleep.

The End.

This is a true story starring my youngest who is enamoured, at this point in life, by Curious George Stories and imaginary friends.
'George' has long since disappeared to who knows where. In his place, we now tote 'Honey Bear' who is much easier to keep track of. Someday, when 
The Little Boy With The Funny Hat
 is all grown up and the days of imaginary friends long past, I will pull out this story and show his children what a sweet little boy their daddy was.


Anonymous said...

I love your son's story:-) That is so cute. By the way, I recognize your Uncle Arthur bedtime and Bible story books. We have those books too.

Betsy said...

I smiled the entire time I was reading this post. What a sweet story. Someday his children will love seeing this and reading about the little boy their daddy was. What a smart mama you are!
Blessings, Betsy