Friday, November 27, 2020


 Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving! I hope yours was a good one. Mine was, in a quiet, non-hectic kind of way. Ever since we've lived in Ohio, Thanksgiving is the holiday we spend with Chris' family. This year, all but one of his brothers - he has three; no sisters - live in the area. The brothers had gotten their heads together several weeks ago and unanimously decided to have a no-fuss, relaxing day for Thanksgiving. No big meal, just an afternoon and evening together and everyone bring snacks. Suited us women fine!

I thought it would be fun to do a big Thanksgiving meal just for us, so I planned to have ham (One turkey is enough!), mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, a vegetable, pumpkin and apple pie and ice cream. At the last minute, the plans got changed to having all the Eichers living in the area here for our meal, with grandma bringing turkey and chocolate eclair pudding and a sister in law adding baked corn and salad and a cute little miss for all of us to laugh at. It was a good day. We moved some furniture and toys and added leaves to the table and the girls had fun with decor and name places... We spent a laid back afternoon playing some music, singing some songs, playing a few games, working on a puzzle and turning the artists loose on art supplies.

My youngest daughter has a love affair with YouTube channels and making videos. Chris got her an editing program and we gave her a small tripod/selfie stick for her birthday and she has spent hours taking pictures and videos and editing them for her pretend channel! We get a lot of laughs out of her creations but she really has a talent for it and does a very good job. True to form, she was around constantly yesterday with her "equipment" in hand - an old cell phone and her tripod - busily filming and snapping. I thought it would be fun to share her video here on my blog instead of writing lots of words about our Thanksgiving. Being like her mom, she tried to protest against the idea but I knew she would secretly be thrilled.

So, here you go. I hope you enjoy her capture of our Thanksgiving!


Connie Stoll said...

Tell your daughter that was beautiful! Loved the singing! I come from a singing family and thoroughly enjoyed this.

Bethany Eicher said...

She was delighted to hear you liked it! 😊

Anonymous said...

Well done!
- a fellow mom

Bethany Eicher said...


Lois Johnson said...

That was amazing! Loved it! Keep practicing, are well on the way to being a professional. :-)

Bethany Eicher said...

Thanks! And yes, I think too she does a great job!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your daughter's video! I especially loved the picture of Grandma's eclair dessert pan full and then empty. That about sums up a big family meal! Also loved the singing - we used to sing around my grandma's piano and while I didn't appreciate it as much at the time, I miss it now. (And I definitely appreciate anyone who can spur-of-the-moment have a big group over - good on you!)

Bethany Eicher said...

I have to say, I am honestly usually not very good at hosting spur of the moment! For some reason this time I was able to just go with it and it ended up being a really good day. Maybe I should learn a lesson...