Thursday, July 22, 2021

Nothing Says Summer

 Nothing says summer like...

Hummingbirds at the feeders -- flitting, darting, fighting... I love watching them on a summer evening as they busily fly in and out! 

Nothing says summer like...

Wildflowers blooming along country roads. Queen ann's lace and black eyed susans are some of my favorites; daisies are another one. My mom was the one who taught me to notice the beauty God provides along the roadside "for free!" as she would say. 

Nothing says summer like...

Fresh squash

And cucumbers

And green beans in the canner

I planted a patch of green beans this year for the first time and was so thrilled to come back from our trip and find them growing beautifully, with tiny little beans hanging thick. We've had so much rain since, that I've been having problems with slugs, so we'll see how much they actually produce. There's nothing like canning produce that you raised yourself though!

Nothing says summer like....

Trips to the lake. 

But between our long trip and the many rain showers, we've only gone once this summer and I took no pictures!

Nothing says summer like....

Spending ridiculous amounts of time on Summer Bible School preparations that will only be used once. You have to know the huge part Summer Bible School played in my past to understand how this is practically programmed into my DNA. I wrote about my memories once upon a time here. I am again remembering my mom this year, but also remembering that it was my dad who came up with a lot of the complicated, creative ideas -- like recording a mockingbird to play over some rigged up speaker or practicing his continued story on his youngest (me) and choosing the most exciting places to say "You'll have to come back tomorrow night to hear what happens next!"

Nothing says summer like...

Messy floors and children playing their hearts out, letting imaginations run wild. (Who am I kidding? My floors always look like this!)

I love summer. It is my very favorite season of all. Every day, after seeing Chris and Isaac off to work, I do my little rounds in the cool, wet morning. I check my squash plant -- biggest old thing I've ever grown -- and wonder what I'll do when all the little squash start getting ready to pick at once!

I check out my tomato plants, with their tiny little green tomatoes hanging tight.

I check my cucumbers, and silently applaud their sprawling leaves -- especially the plants that were planted where the ground stays wet and I feared they would die.

I admire the flowers and cheer on every new black eyed susan that opens its sunny petals.

Then I might climb the little hill to my green bean patch and see how they are faring. Also, to pause and inspect mom's marigolds

Yes, I love summer. Most of all, I love watching things grow and marveling at a Father who makes it all happen. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

Beautiful reflections! :)