Friday, January 14, 2022

Operation Read More Books

If you're going to be sick for many many days, a reading challenge isn't a bad idea...

For a very long time, I have struggled with curbing my (call it what it is) addiction to social media. I've tried any number of different strategies/ disciplines -- short of deleting my accounts altogether -- and still I tend to fall back into the struggle. What I've realized, is that I not only need some disciplines to help with my problem, I also have to have something to replace that addiction/ time filler/ distraction. So, at the start of the new year, I had decided to make it a goal to read more books. 

As a young girl, I devoured books. I remember the "bookworm" my first grade teacher had us create, and the many circles I proudly filled out with completed titles to add to the growing caterpillar on the wall. I loved to read. Marriage and children curbed that love quite a bit. I am notorious for not being able to stop reading a book until it is finished, and reading into the wee hours or losing myself in a story for half a day didn't mix too well with mothering. 

Then the era of the internet came along, and my reading turned from books, to blog posts and short snippets online. Reading a short post while nursing my babies was perfect, and I followed many blogs for a number of years. I found a lot of encouragement and inspiration from those ladies I followed. Gradually, blog posts have dwindled on the accounts that I follow, and my online reading has consisted more and more of scrolling social media. I still find a lot of encouragement and inspiration but there is also a tremendous amount of "filler". I've realized lately, how much this diet has affected my concentration and attention span. I am so used to grabbing little mouth fulls, that it has actually become difficult for me to sit with a book and immerse myself. 

Hence, the goal to read more books. 

The past few years, Daughters of Promise has done a "Brighter Winter Reading Program" for the months of January and February. This year, I decided to sign up and download their reading grids. I did it more for some inspiration and creative reading ideas than for any prizes or competition. 

I have a long way to go to be the eager first grader filling out caterpillar circles (not so sure that's even my goal, honestly) and I'll never be one of the big time readers with all the lists of authors and books to be read, but Brighter Winter has definitely been a fun boost toward my goal of reading more in 2022.

On another note, it has indeed been a long week of sickness at this house that continues to drag on and on. Any must read suggestions I should put on my reading list?


Regina said...

I'm also doing the Brighter Winter reading challenge because I also b spend too much time on social media and I plan to read as many books as possible.I'm a slow reader so trying to complete at least 10 challenges will be hard. I don't know how ladies complete all the challenges.
I'm trying to think of books you might be interested in:
I just read Lavender Tears by Sondra Cunningham. Its a fictional novel about Mary of Bethany. I really enjoyed it.
If you have Kindle Unlimited I think you can still read it for free.
I read Deliver the Ransom Alone by Verda Glick. She a missionary in El Salvador and its about her husband Eli being kidnapped by guerillas.
I'm reading Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder since its a middle grade book that's new to me.
I'm planning, Lord willing to read The Long Winter for a book set in winter.
I'm reading the book Flourish by Dorcas Showalter and I have Turtle Heart both published in 2021.
That's my so far book list. I'm looking forward to reading your blog friends suggestions.

Laura Miller said...

I don't know your reading style, but have you tried "Saving My Assassin" by Virginia Prodan? And I just finished "The Pie Lady" by Greta Isaac... and really enjoyed it! I also signed up for the Brighter Winter challenge as a way to incorporate more books, and it has been a good thing for me so far! I love books, but go through seasons of reading and not reading. During my last pregnancy, books somehow didn't appeal, what with hormones? other life stresses? I don't know, exactly. But now as I sit and nurse my baby, having a book handy is an excellent way to help avoid picking up my phone. So I'm trying, learning, right along with you.... What are some titles you're reading for the challenge?

Bethany Eicher said...

Sounds like some good books in that list! I considered reading Farmer Boy for a "book about food" 😄

Bethany Eicher said...

The Pie Lady looks very interesting! I'll probably share some of mine later 🙂

Regina said...

I agree with you Bethany! It seems Almanzo was always eating and what he ate sounds so delicious! I have the Little House Cookbook and I may need to try some of Almanzo's favorite foods.

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing this, Bethany. I face the same issues, scrolling on social media...and I also spend too much time on my phone period. I want to try to do more reading/listening as well. It's an excellent goal. Hope you all feel better!

Melinda Kornelsen said...

I love to read but can also get out of the habit since I whiz thru books and new ones don't automatically appear and social media always has something new:( I've read "The Best of Christmas in my Heart" for collection of essays and set in winter. Save Me The Plums for book about food. Chronicles of Narnia for book about animals. Evidence Not Seen for book by a female missionary/ and set in another country.