Thursday, March 13, 2014

This Writing Trap

The blog lies dormant these days. I've scared myself into silence it seems. Splashed too many words, laid too many emotions bare, opened my heart with too much honesty. My words cower in the shadows, refusing to come forward at my bidding. They tiptoe towards the light, then run at the frightening glare. Judgement, with it's dissecting fingers shines brightly, but worse still glares the painful enemy of misunderstanding. For all the honesty -the brave splashing of words and baring of heart- is the threat of grossly failing to convey the very message so desperately burning to be delivered! Safer, then, to cower in the shadows and never bare the heart. Simpler, then, to clutch the message close vs. risking the pain of misinterpretation. Still, a persistant voice whispers: "I never said write for admiration and endorsement, for 'likes' and 'followers'. Never promised safer or simpler. I only said, This is your gift. Use it. The audience and their response are incidental, Obedience is of utmost importance!


Carolyn said...

Oh friend, don't let fear stop your words...I love to read and You are created in HIS image. :)

Gina said...

I traveled over here from Dorcas Smucker...good stuff. I just read through your whole submission series. Convicting. I'm presently reading Love and Respect right now.

I have been where you are with words and blogging. Sometimes I feel so full of words but confused on how to spit them out to the world.

Hope you keep writing and blessing others.

I'll be back!

Bethany Eicher said...

Thank you, Carolyn! This, and our talk on Sunday was so encouraging to me! I won't stop...don't think I could if I tried! :)

Bethany Eicher said...

Welcome Gina, and Thank You! Interesting that you came here through Dorcas, I started reading your blog after you did a book review for Tea and Trouble Brewing! :) Blessings ...