Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 25: Bethany's Top 5 (in no particular order)

I did it just yesterday. We were on our way home from being gone for 4 days at the Goodyear Convention. Our oldest 2 had stayed with friends, and would need to be picked up. Being the telephone calling hater, I was hoping he would make the calls to figure out details. He finally did call the first place, but that child was already at grandpas. Child #2 was not, so I said ok, I'll call. What shall I tell them? "Tell them we'll be there about 2:30 or 3." Now this made no sense to me. It was 11:20 and we were 15 minutes from their place as he spoke, what was he thinking?? I wondered, "Why? What are we going to do all that time?" Can I just say #1. Wives, stop thinking that your way is the "right" way! Did it really matter why he was doing it that way? No. Did I really think he was dense enough to not know we were 15 minutes away and have no reason for his plan? No. Did I just think it would be smarter to pick the child up right away and so I asked the question to try to control the situation? Uhhh....yes. There is a time and a place for saying, "What about ...this or that?" But there's a lot more times and places when, really, we just think our way is better so we drag our feet or ask questions and really we should just say "Ok." And call the people and tell them "We'll be there about 2:30 or 3"!


Miller scribe said...

You've got me curious- what did you do with the extra 3 hours?

Bethany Eicher said...

Unfortunately, I'll never know what we would have done, Cheryl. (Insert shame faced face)

Miller scribe said...

This intrigues me. My first reaction was it's inconsiderate of the sitter. As a babysitter I would not appreciate having children an extra 3 hours while the parents lounge around at home. However, I am pondering the purpose/intention. Perhaps what a gift it might be to the parents to go the extra mile so they can have time to get unpacked & relax a bit post-vacation?? Food for thought.