Friday, November 29, 2019

Of Thankfulness And People

A very, very long time ago -- back when I was a young thing on the youth committee -- I wrote a poem. As I recall, we had a Thanksgiving supper for our parents and planned a short program for afterward. I'm not sure how I got the job, much less the inspiration, but I wrote the following poem and doled out the parts to my group of fellow youth. Each narrator fit the description of the person in the part of the poem that they read. I came across it recently, and it made me laugh remembering. Thought I'd share it here this Thanksgiving week.....

      * * * * * * * * * *

Of Thankfulness And People

I've been listening to people, 
and what I hear is strange.
It seems they never like themselves, 
they always wish for change.

"I wish I was like Susan," 
I heard Rebekah say, 
"She always does the nicest things, 
helps others on their way!"

It seemed I'd no more turned around 
'til I heard Susan sigh,
"Rebekah always does things right, 
I guess I just won't try!"

The next complaint to reach my ears 
came from the lips of Jim,
"Don is so good at leading out, 
if only I were him!"

I looked at him in shocked surprise, 
for Don had just confided,
"Jim sure knows how to listen well,
sometimes I wish that I did!"

I looked around at others 
and scarce believed my ears.
It seemed they all would wish for change 
to be more like their peers --

"I wish that I would talk more." 
"I wish that I were quiet."
"If only I were bigger."
"I must go on a diet!"

Amazing this, the very thing 
that one would wish to change,
The other has and doesn't want, 
it all seems very strange!

The more I heard, the more I thought, 
and scratched my puzzled head.
"The things each has are very good, 
why wish for change?" I said.

I got my friends to help me think 
and figure this thing out,
Why people wish to change their ways 
and what it's all about.

"You know," said one, "If all were 'Dons' 
just visualize the mess -
"We'd end up in a sorry state of fighting, 
I would guess!"

"I'm glad there's 'Jims' to listen!"
" 'Rebekahs' sure are nice!"
"You know, I think each one of us 
adds our own bit of spice."

And there, I think, is when I saw 
what really is the key,
And that, my friend, is this, 
(and I'm quite sure that you'll agree).

It's when I learn to thank the Lord 
for just the way He made me,
And do the bit that I can do 
with each small gift He gave me.

It's when I learn to thank Him for 
the folks He's placed around, 
To do the things that I can't do
 that happiness is found!

I hope you'll find as we have found
 that this is really living,
We're ALL important and for that 
there should be great Thanksgiving!!


Anonymous said...

I like this poem! :-)
- Rike

Bethany Eicher said...

Thanks! ☺