Monday, July 30, 2012

Nothin Special

I think my "writer" is broke! I just don't have any inspiration to write these days. Or maybe it's more I don't have any energy to put into writing. There's been so much going on for the last 2 weeks especially that I hardly know what "real" life is anymore! Chris' brother and wife left today so maybe we can find a new normal...whatever that might be :) It's only 3 weeks until school starts!! I've got some pressing sewing and shopping to do in the next 3 weeks! Isaac and Jasmine are excited that the time is getting close. They miss interaction with their friends and I'm glad they're excited. There may be a trip to AR for a wedding yet before school starts and I'm daring to get excited about that too! :) So, life won't be boring any time soon. There's going to be plenty to do on our little shack for quite a long time yet! But it will come and right now I'm just relishing every mundane task performed in MY house, using MY possessions, for MY people :) I know I'll forget soon but I'm enjoying it anyway!

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